A Few Good Reasons You Should Talk With Your Christian Friend About Salvation

David Norczyk
3 min readOct 1, 2022


In a world filled with endless information and ideas about religion, there are a few good reasons to have that conversation about God, Jesus, and salvation with your Christian family member or friend. Let us consider some reasons.

First, for most Christians, there is nothing they would rather discuss than these subjects. The Christian’s interest centers on how Jesus Christ became the key Person in that person’s life. You have likely heard of Jesus Christ, but it is reasonable that you may have some misinformation that your Christian friend could help correct.

Second, there are any number of important things to learn in this life. Your Christian friend should be able to explain why Jesus and salvation is of the utmost importance for you to know and understand. It is very rare for someone to earnestly contend for the supremacy of any one subject, but this is the Christian’s position.

Third, very few conversations people have with others speak of eternal realities. Eternity is everyone’s forever after. One must admit there is life and death. The Christian has a view of the afterlife that is worthy of your examination. Facing death with truth is the best way to combat fear. What most people think is unknown about life after death is actually known to the degree by what God has revealed to us in His Word, the Bible.

Fourth, everyone knows about the Bible but very few actually know what is in the Bible. Meeting with someone who can show you what the Bible actually says is a priceless experience. No doubt you have questions in your mind regarding God, Jesus, and salvation.

Fifth, there are some good reasons to meet with your Christian acquaintance to inquire about these matters, but there is also a number of reasons you do not do so.

First, the whole world lies in the power of the evil one, that is, Satan. This chief devil is a fallen angel who takes on the titles “ruler of this world” and “god of this world.” He is also the “father of lies” which means he is the source of misinformation, disinformation, and distraction. He is the inspiration who keeps you from hearing, learning, and knowing the truth about our proposed subject.

Second, the truth about ourselves as guilty, lawless, sinners is what drives our avoidance of God who is true. Sinners are terrified of being exposed for what they are in truth; therefore, they prefer darkness over light, lies over truth, and sadly, death over life. The promise of the Bible is that the truth will set you free from your bondage to sin.

When the R.M.S. Titanic was visibly sinking, and it became apparent that life boat space was limited, the desire of all on board was to be saved and to live. Death is looming for every living soul, including your soul my dear reader. Your Christian friend has found space on a lifeboat and would love to direct you to more open spots.

Third, foolish pride or simple foolishness are silly reasons to go down with the ship. Foolishness says the ship (this world) is not sinking. Foolish pride argues that you will be fine on the sinking ship, hence, your unwillingness to meet with that Christian already secure in the lifeboat.

In summary, there are some good reasons to sit and talk with a Christian regarding God, Jesus, and salvation. We are talking about prioritizing eternity and what Jesus is and has done for the salvation of those who come to Him in faith, by His grace.

We have also considered some reasons why you are not inclined to have that conversation with your Christian friend of family member. Nobody likes to be deceived, but every Christian is not ashamed to admit they, too, were ignoring or avoiding the truth about themselves. They will tell you they, too, were avoiding God’s revelation of Himself in the person of Jesus and the salvation He alone secured, in His perfectly obedient life and subsequent death on the Cross at Calvary.

The Bible reveals to us that knowing Christ Jesus is itself one’s salvation. While it is yet called “Today” you should respond to this very prompt in your life — to set up a time to meet and talk with your Christian acquaintance with a desire to know the truth about God, Jesus, and salvation.

Finally, the Bible holds the promise that those who come and learn of Him will not be disappointed with Him, as their only hope for a sure and secure future…forever.

David Norczyk

Spokane Valley, Washington

October 1, 2022



David Norczyk
David Norczyk

Written by David Norczyk

Some random theologian out West somewhere, Christian writer, preacher

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