A Heavenly Christmas
Nobody likes a cheap imitation. It is practically impossible, however, to know you actually have an imitation, until you experience the authentic version. Then, you know.
Heaven on earth is the machination of men; but it cannot compare with the heavenliness of heaven itself. None of us have been to heaven, that is, the bona-fide version. In fact, the earthly version comes with so much variety that it makes sense why people settle for less. They don’t know better. Christmas gives us a glimpse into that which is better…genuinely better.
Christmas, the heavenly version, is not our transport to heaven. Rather, it is heaven’s condescension. Heaven comes down to earth when things are very dark. Light comes into the darkness. Heaven also comes when it is very cold. We are warmed by the fire of the Spirit of Christ. Simply put, heaven coming down to us is God with us (Emmanuel).
Each year, Christmas re-introduces us to the hope of heaven, the promise of better things to come. Notably, the heavenly version of Christmas never tries to sell us anything. It is actually a gift given to us from heaven — a free sample, a token of love. The miracle of Christmas is when that token actually finds its way into our hearts. Then, and only then, do we settle for nothing less than heaven’s best.
David Norczyk
Spokane Valley, Washington
December 25, 2024