A Warning to Pastors Who do not Know or Preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ

David Norczyk
4 min readDec 1, 2020


The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God unto salvation for those who believe (Rom 1:16–17). A man believes because he hears the Word of God preached to him (Rom 10:17). Therefore, it is an essential pre-requisite that a preacher knows the Gospel of grace, so that he might preach to those gathered to hear him. Woe to him if he does not preach the Gospel of Salvation.

It is maddening for students of the Bible, to survey what is preached from pulpits across the land, on any given Lord’s day. Preachers and teachers are held to a higher standard for judgment because of the stewardship entrusted to them. Those who minister the Word must know sound doctrine, and it must be the man of God’s utmost priority to preach Christ and Him crucified (1 Cor 2:2).

The Scripture is the revelation of Jesus Christ; therefore, it is the Bible that must be exegeted, interpreted, and exposited. Only through a verse by verse exposition can the man of God stay tethered in the text. Remember, the Gospel is an affront to sinful man; therefore, the temptation is great, for the preacher to dilute the message.

Being an elder/pastor is not a popularity contest. It is a test of faithful stewardship. The man of God may suffer, in the calling God has placed him, but he must remain true to God’s Word — to know it and preach it.

So, amidst this year’s “advent extravaganza,” telling everyone that baby Jesus loves them, and that Christ died for everyone, for them to “make a decision,” what should pastors be preaching, instead? What is God’s message with so little appeal to the flesh of men?

The answer is that God is eternal in three Persons. For the eternal purpose of God, all things were created. All things, therefore, have their place in teaching us something about the attributes of God. God is to be glorified for the perfection of these attributes and for all that is done, as divine work.

In the predetermined plan of God, He created the heavens and the earth. This Creator created everything “very good.” In that plan was ordained the fall of angels and men, who disobeyed their Creator. Still, in His sovereign will, all things come to pass. If sin led to the fall, then, God is glorified in redemption, the salvation of His chosen people, known to Him before the foundation of the world.

For the work of redemption, God sent forth His only begotten Son, Jesus Messiah, the consolation of Israel, His holy nation of royal priests, from every nation, tribe, and tongue — the people who trust God’s Word in every generation, both Jew and Gentile.

Without sin, Jesus Christ shed His blood on the Cross, in order to justify ungodly sinners, those who belonged to Him because they had been given to Him by God the Father. The death of Christ was God’s designed way to set His captive people free, from their enslavement to sin and death. Christ died for sinners, predestined to adoption as sons of God, who would receive eternal life from their Savior, who they call, “Lord.”

In sending the Holy Spirit to elect Jews and Gentiles, the Father and the Son impart the life of God to their beloved. Having been born again of God, these saints are set apart for God’s service. Called-out church members are granted faith by God’s grace, as they now walk by the Spirit, who wills and does His good pleasure in what concerns them.

Christians have a hope and future in their Lord, risen from the dead and reigning with full dominion, from the center of the throne of God, in heaven, at the right hand of majesty. The Judge of all the earth, Jesus Christ, is coming again to judge the living and the dead. All will be raised from the dead for the Day of Judgment and sentencing — some to eternal punishment…and some to glory, forever, in the presence of the Lord, in the New Jerusalem of the new heavens and the new earth.

If you know such wonders of God’s grace, pastor, why would you entertain the reprobate with psychology or philosophy? If the mystery of the Gospel has been granted to you, as a stewardship, why would you settle for gimmicks for goat gatherings? Why would you trade the wisdom of God, for the tomfoolery of unbelievers?

God does not love everyone. Christ did not die for everyone. Not everyone is saved, nor is anyone given a choice. If that is what you preach, pastor, you are warned. You must repent of your false teaching, of the unbiblical doctrine of demons.

Pastor, now is the time for you to forsake your entertainment show and turn to the truth of God’s eternal salvation, based on His eternal covenant, in which His eternal will is accomplished, for the benefit of those who are His, for whom Christ died, and to whom the Holy Spirit is sent, to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord and the day of salvation. How will they hear without a faithful preacher?

What are you doing, pastor? Redeem the vaporous time allotted to you. Repent of your leadership books and conferences. Return to Holy Scripture, for in the Bible, you think there is salvation, and it is this book that speaks of Jesus Christ…as should you.

David Norczyk

Spokane Valley, Washington

December 1, 2020



David Norczyk
David Norczyk

Written by David Norczyk

Some random theologian out West somewhere, Christian writer, preacher

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