Against Christian Globalism
With recent political events in the United States, many Christian pastors wrote and preached sermons against Christian nationalism. Christian nationalism is the melding of Christian values and beliefs with a particular political course for a nation. Those who are Americans, who also happen to be Christian, happen to be a house divided, however.
Conservative Christians in the United States tend to be Republicans. Liberal Christians tend to be Democrats, politically. While there is some shared common ground, the direction of each political party tends toward nationalism versus globalism. Government policy follows the direction of whichever political party secures power to rule over the people.
Historically, the job performance of governing party “A” has led to a rejection of that party, in favor of party “B”. With the next political cycle, the pendulum often returns to the opposition party. They then do an unacceptable job, causing yet another return to their rival party. Within the United States, Democrats dominate the highly populated urban counties. The Republicans dominate the sparsely populated rural counties. Big populations demand big government administration, while small populations require less government.
Cities like big government and villages do not. Democrats like big government and Republicans do not. Liberal Christians like big government and Conservative Christians do not. When it comes to religion and politics in the United States, we are a house divided across the spectrum of both disciplines. This division extends to the ideas of nationalism and globalism.
Globalism is the idea of global community. The marketing tag line might sound like, “We are all in this together.” It wins the “ideal” award for the day, but humanity is totally depraved. The Socialist Democrat does not believe this visible fact, despite incessant proof on his cell phone news feed. Therefore, he imagines bigger government, even a one world global government, will lead to a just, egalitarian utopia.
Every attempt to make all things equal, at the finish line, has forever failed. Poverty for all, except for the leadership elite, has been one major story of human history (see Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, etc.). Christians easily fall prey to globalist rhetoric because they so desperately want peace and equality. This is why social gospel globalists work for heaven on earth via government administration.
Athletes, turned political activists, will wear the term “equality” on their helmets or jerseys, while they fiercely compete as individuals, for the next multi-million-dollar contract, before returning to their mansions of glory, driving their luxury supercars, at the end of each day. Their speech and lifestyles tell very different stories.
Egalitarian politicians, movie stars, athletes and corporate CEOs are the dictionary illustration of the term, “hypocrite.” These charlatans have utterly bamboozled Christian globalists, who have feasted on mere rhetoric from these pathological liars. Where is the St. Francis of Assisi playing for the Los Angeles Lakers? It surely is not LeBron James, the vocal, multi-millionaire champion for equality and social justice. King James’ words and actions have not collaborated, and everyone except him and his fanatical minions know it.
Conservative nationalists respect the ambition, determination, ingenuity, hard work, and success of Bernie Sanders, Rob Reiner, LeBron James, and Mark Zuckerberg. They are the epitome of the American Dream. When they open their mouths, they are reduced to idiots, however, as they disrespect the very freedom that separated them from their competition. Is Bernie ready to part with one of his three multi-million-dollar mansions, in the name of “equality” and “justice”? Absolutely everyone knows the answer to that question.
Is local, state, national, global, or inter-galaxy government ever going to compete with the Holy Spirit, in bringing about a loving, caring, sharing community of people? As always, man thinks more highly of himself and his achievements than he should. Governments steal from the productive by taxing them. Governments notoriously waste taxpayer funds on pet projects like goat gender reorientation studies in the Himalayas. In this, big government politicians are not stupid, but those who vote for them surely need to do some introspection.
Christian nationalists and Christian globalists are easily led to the extreme, by the rhetoric of politicians in the world. When pastors and Christian influencers unleash their daggers against Christian nationalism, they merely attack those believers who prefer the freedom to invest the proceeds of their productivity, according to the directive of the Holy Spirit (Prv 3:5–6; Lk 16:9; Acts 20:35; 2 Cor 8–9; 1 Jn 3:16–17). When over-taxed by big government, love grows cold and productivity naturally wanes.
There is no question that when big government robs the productive, in order to give to the unproductive, it is playing God. This is why conservative, Republican, nationalists protest against liberal, Democrat, globalists. We know who is robbing us of morality (Hollywood elite), freedom (Big Tech elite), and money (Democrat elite). The irony of each of these champions of equality is that they are all getting rich, while the rest of us suffer poverty, equally (their twisted utopian ideal).
Christians who support globalism need to be educated in basic economics, social studies, and history. The sheep of Christ should never be led astray by fascism and socialism, which are ever the goal of globalism. The orchestrated redistribution of wealth by billionaire-elitist backed governments, only secures more wealth and power for these elitist people, ever-virtue signaling with rhetoric of equality and justice.
Christians must expose the evil agenda of globalism, promulgated by global elitists. We do that by preaching Christ the King and the hope of the world to come, which liberates Christians from the foolish rhetoric of, “We can change the world,” which translated means, “We can change the world by taxing you more than we already do.”
This world is not our home, nor do we belong to it. Therefore, if we must throw the axe against Christian nationalism, let us interlard the message by denouncing Christian globalism.
David Norczyk
Spokane Valley, Washington
January 14, 2021