An Encouragement to Live Godly in Christ Jesus

David Norczyk
4 min readOct 29, 2023


The Word of God, employed by the Holy Spirit, through the preaching of the Apostle Paul, had its good effect on the church of the Thessalonians. Jews and Greeks had turned from idols to serve the living and true God (1 Thess 1).

The Apostle Paul and his ministry team of Timothy and Silvanus had given thanks to God for the Thessalonian believers’ faith, love, and hope — despite much tribulation from both inside and outside the congregation.

God had chosen those called, “beloved by God,” to be recipients of Christ Jesus and the salvation found only in Him. They had the assurance that Jesus would deliver them from the wrath to come at His second advent.

Through much mistreatment, the mission team arrived at the metropolis of Macedonia and boldly proclaimed the Gospel of God. Opposition to the message quickly followed. Paul and the team spoke plainly when they taught the people truth. Their motives were pure — not as others who were greedy for glory, money, material gain, or sexual gratification.

Those who represent the kingdom of God must live godly in Christ Jesus, which is the manner worthy of God. The character and life of the ambassador for Christ must align with the message of holy living in preparation for Christ’s second coming.

Opposition from the world is natural and should be expected by slaves of Christ who offend the ungodly with holiness. The message of salvation in Christ alone is also an invitation for the world to persecute Christ’s church. The Thessalonians endured the same types of trouble the missionary team suffered at Thessalonica.

Persevering through opposition does inspire other believers to press on with their high calling. Paul reflected this sentiment by calling the saints at Thessalonica, his hope, joy, and crown on the day when Christ returns. Timothy had retuned to the church to get a report of their status. The report he delivered to Paul at Corinth was very encouraging.

The demonstration of faith by persecuted believers, in their works of faith, spurs others on to love and good works, too. The children of God are always appreciative of those who initially brought them the Gospel of salvation. They know the sacrifice of those who had beautiful feet, a heart of love, and a willingness to do whatever was required to proclaim the excellencies of Jesus Christ.

The end goal is for God’s chosen people to be presented unblameable in holiness before our God and Father on the last day, when Christ gathers His brethren in the resurrection from the dead at His glorious appearing. He is coming to judge the living and the dead, at His judgment seat, upon His great white throne.

Christians thank God for the sanctification by the Holy Spirit, who is sent by the Father and the Son to sanctify us entirely. It is by the washing of water by the Word of God that sets us apart from the filthy world. Just as Jesus made purification for sins by His precious blood at the cross, so the Spirit and the Word have their good effect upon Christ’s church.

God has called His beloved to sanctification and holiness in order to demonstrate the superiority of His kingdom of light over the kingdom of darkness ruled by Satan, our evil adversary. It is he who lurks behind every wicked deed that hinders the Gospel advance.

Death looms for all the sons of Adam because of sin, but death has no victory for those who die in Christ, for if we die, we go to be with the Lord, which is very much better than being in the present evil age in the domain of darkness. Those who die in Christ and those who are alive and remain at His second coming have the Word of promise as their blessed hope. Nothing can separate God’s elect from His unfailing love for them.

Christians rejoice always at the prospect of Christ’s return in glory. We give thanks to God for including us in Christ’s victory over sin and death at the cross. We pray, “Come Lord Jesus, come!” because we know that better things await us in the new heavens and the new earth.

Christians are blessed to have the Gospel heralded to us, taught to us, and entrusted to us to pass along in our generation. We need to be found faithful to look to the Spirit of Christ to accomplish what concerns us in the matters of holy living and deliverance on the day of the Lord.

Just as God called the church of the Thessalonians to abstain from every form of evil and to live at peace with one another, so we must do the same. We live in a perverse generation that walks in darkness; therefore, we must resist the devil and flee from immorality.

Holding fast to the Word of faith and the sound doctrine handed down to us from faithful men in past generations, let us look to Jesus Christ and not to the world to fulfill in us all righteousness. We serve a faithful Savior, who has demonstrated His love toward us in dying on the cross as a propitiation for our sins. Therefore, in the power of the Holy Spirit and in the wisdom of God’s Holy Word, let us take hold of our salvation and live godly in Christ Jesus as we ought to live, being royal priests of the God Most High.

Finally, in light of the truth of Jesus’ soon coming, let us cling to the words preached to us, praying for one another, and resting in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ — to whom all glory, honor, power, and dominion belong forever and ever. Amen.

David Norczyk

Spokane Valley, Washington

October 29, 2023

1 Thessalonians



David Norczyk
David Norczyk

Written by David Norczyk

Some random theologian out West somewhere, Christian writer, preacher

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