Assurance of Salvation for the Believer, Only

David Norczyk
4 min readAug 23, 2021


Assurance of salvation can only be found in one place. The Word of God reveals the salvation of God. It declares that God, alone, is the Savior (Titus 1:4; 2:13; 3:6; Jude 1:25). The Bible assures us that salvation belongs to God, from beginning to end (Ps 3:8; Jon 2:9; Rom 11:36; Rev 19:1). God does not make salvation a possibility nor does He relinquish the decision, on who is saved, to anyone else. As the Apostle Paul wrote to Titus, “He saved us (3:5).”

Reformed theology, with its high view of God and low view of man, blesses the adherent to its system of doctrines. It teaches the absolute sovereignty of God in salvation. This means that the Triune God revealed in Holy Scripture has the wisdom and power to save those He wills to save, in His good pleasure.

Throughout the Bible, we gather the correlating verses that serve as the bedrock of our salvation. We learn from them the explanation of what God has done and what He will do to finish the work He began in every believer. The test for the Reformed is to read these essential verses and declare after doing so, “I believe every one of these verses from the Bible.”

There is a man who believes God’s report from the Bible. There is another one who does not believe it. The difference between the two is not a product from either man. Rather, God has given faith to one man but not to the other.

Faith in Christ is synonymous with faith in the revelation of the Bible. Faith is not an emotion. It is a spiritual fruit of the indwelling Holy Spirit (Gal 5:22). It is the Holy Spirit who brings faith to the unbeliever. This, however, is not a gift given to everyone. It is the gift of God graced into the heart and the mind of God’s elect at the appointed time set by God (Eph 2:8–9).

So, my dear reader, my first inquiry in this matter is whether you know the Bible verses I reference. Second, we must know whether you believe the testimony of God’s Word. The simple fact is that there is no other way to have blessed assurance. There is the Word of God, and then there is your faith in it…or not. Examine yourself to see whether you have this faith.

Let me encourage you while you test yourself in this matter of assurance. The unbeliever, void of the Spirit, has no interest in the Word of God or in the things of God (1 Cor 2:14). Salvation itself is not much concern to the hell-bound because they do not have the Spirit, nor the conviction of sin. Do you? Are you grieved by your innumerable sins against the Holy God?

Do you see how this works, my dear reader? Assurance of salvation comes with salvation. You have assurance because you are saved. Sin bothers you. You have a hatred for it, and for the world that promotes it. In your heart, you are filled with gratitude for so great a salvation. You love Jesus Christ because God first loved you and put His Spirit in you as His gift to you (Rom 8:9, 11; 1 Jn 4:19). You belong to Him (Jn 10:26; 1 Cor 3:23), who is both able and willing to save you. He does that very thing for you.

Part of you is worried about your salvation. That is a very good thing. It tells you that you have the fear of God in you. It humbles you to want to have even greater assurance than you already have at the moment. So, it is natural (actually supernatural) for you to want to attend worship services at your local church. You listen for more assurance. You go home and read your Bible and good Christian books because you have a love for the old, old story of Jesus and His love for you.

God has given you grace to hear and know what you know, today. There is more to know, and He wills to have you hear and know more. He has put desire within you. You did not self-generate any of what God has given you or what He intends to give you regarding the knowledge of Himself.

Why are you even reading these words I have written to you? Are these things of interest to you? The Spirit, faith, salvation, heaven, eternity and especially Jesus are your test material. The answers to the test are found in the Bible.

God is not asking you to accept Him, believe in Him, choose Him, or even trust Him. You will do all these things and even far more if He pours out His love in your heart. You will not be ashamed of the Gospel, nor will you hide the Gospel from others. You will be a witness to Jesus Christ and a witness of Jesus Christ. For when the Holy Spirit comes upon one of Christ’s chosen sheep, it is evident.

The evidence of conversion is active repentance and faith. It is the unceasing new life manifesting in the believer. Christ in you has given you the hope of glory, and that hope is never going to leave you nor forsake you (Heb 13:5). He assures you of that in the only place assurance can be found and believed.

In conclusion, if you are lacking in any spiritual good thing, ask God to give you more. Do not be surprised to find yourself desiring the Word, church service and fellowship, worship, sacraments, etc. as a result. For it is these very things that God gives you, to give you assurance of salvation.

David Norczyk

Spokane Valley, Washington

August 23, 2021



David Norczyk
David Norczyk

Written by David Norczyk

Some random theologian out West somewhere, Christian writer, preacher

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