Celebrity Deaths and How They Expose the Idolatry of Men
Thousands of babies are slaughtered in the womb, by their mothers, every day in the United States. Although America is considered a “progressive” nation for this cruel practice, Christians know this is the ancient (so…not so progressive!) act of child sacrifice to the demon god, Molech (Lev 18:21; 20:2–5).
People are offered in human sacrifice, in order to get something positive in return. They are looking for favor from their superstitions. Today, most of the tens of millions of Americans murdered in abortion mills, since 1973, have been offered with the hope of gaining ease of convenience. In other words, the sacrifice is a small price to pay, for the favor of the demon, who will remove the inconvenience.
Behind every act of idolatry, which is visible, there is a conscious or unconscious worship of demons (Rev 9:20). Demons are fallen angels, who serve with Satan, in the rebellion against their Maker, the Lord God Almighty. These fallen angels are superior to men in power, intellect, and cunning.
Just as the devil incited the fall of humanity, through his temptation of Eve, the first woman (Gen 3), so the work of legions of demons is to masquerade as angels of light, tempting people to sin, and giving them excuses, usually by calling “sin” something else.
Sin is the transgression of God’s holy and unchanging Law (Rom 2:12; 3:20; 5:20). As man’s Creator (Gen 1:2; Col 1:15), God has given His creation, a set of boundaries in which men can live right before God and man. These boundaries also govern the right relationship one person has with other people. This is how we know the murder of babies is sin.
As obvious as the destruction of God’s ongoing handiwork, of creating a human being, is to men (Ps 139:13), a mother will kill her baby, and then, with a delusional spirit, call her actions names like “healthcare” and “choice.” People also use deluded terms when it comes to the death of people who were born, lived a “normal” life span, and then died.
“Mary has passed away. May she rest in peace,” is a pleasant way of shrouding the truth. What would it sound like if someone told the truth about Mary? “Mary’s soul was spiritually dead at conception because of the sin of Adam (Rom 5:12). Her biological body was born on April 8, 1978. Her biological body died on October 29, 2022. Her soul was never mercifully made alive by God (Eph 2:5), so at the death of her body, her condemned soul, now departed and residing in hell, awaits the second coming of Christ, when the dead shall be resurrected, body and soul, and in Mary’s case, resurrected for judgment (Jn 5:25–29). This will be the day of Judge Jesus’ sentencing of reprobate sinners to eternal punishment, in the fiery hell of the everlasting lake of fire (Mt 25:41; 46; Jude 7; Rev 20:14–15), where Mary will be weeping and gnashing her teeth, in outer darkness, away from the presence of the Lord, forever. Mary was 44.”
The point is that demons incite people to lie about other peoples’ deaths. The cause of everyone’s death, whether an unborn baby or a celebrity sports, political, or entertainment figure, is sin. You will not read about sins in today’s obituaries. Instead, there will be words about long fights with cancer, brief illnesses, or tragic, untimely accidents. Not only will the obituary lie, but so will most pastors.
Death is universal, and it visits humanity every moment of every day. Death serves as a warning to the living that eternity is very near. Because all the delusion and shrouded speech, most people do not properly prepare for the day of their soul’s departure from their body of death. People strive in every way to make a life for themselves, in their brief stay upon this doomed planet…itself waiting for death by fire (2 Pet 3:10–12). The Bible calls this, “Vanity.”
Vanity is a term the sober and solemn ascribe to celebrities. The pride of man is the highest form of sin. It is more often than not, the cause of other sins in a person’s life. There is the vain pride, of an external beauty of a woman that is managed by her, to the gawking worship of lusting men and envious women. There is also the vain pride of a particular prowess and performance.
Actors catch their “lucky” break and very few reach the pinnacle of Hollywood stardom. Some of those are bodacious in their pomp and boast of self-importance. American sport has also reached the status of celebrity production. The same can be said of politics, business, the arts, and even a few pastors reach those heights, being embraced by the world. Let’s not forget our favorite “celebrity chef.”
Imagine the untimely death of any one celebrity, in any of the aforementioned categories. The words and tributes ascribed to the deceased, reveal man’s worship of the creature, rather than the Creator. That’s right…celebrities are creatures, not gods — as many are made out to be, in their elevated status among men.
Some celebrities crave the attentive worship of themselves, by masses of humanity. They make themselves a spectacle. Others are simply and quietly gifted to do something well, and praise is heaped upon them whether they want it or not.
O sinful celebrity! Shun the praise of sinful creatures, who, like Satan, tempt you to believe you can be a god (Gen 3:5). Demand, by incessant deflection, that all credit, honor, praise, and glory be given to the one and only man who is worthy…our Lord Jesus Christ. Many gain the whole world, but lose their souls, in this very common point of failure.
O idolatrous worshipers of celebrities! Repent of your foolishness. You are sinning while you heap temptation upon the celebrity, few of whom have any capacity to divert attention from themselves or their “good” causes. You make your dead celebrity to be a god, and yourself an idolatrous worshiper.
Christians must be warned against participating in the idolatrous praise gathering upon celebrity sinners, now and at the hour of their death. God knew every single one of the celebrity’s days, before there was even yet one of them. God knew the number of hairs on the celebrity’s head. It was God who gifted the celebrity. It was God who gave prowess and performance to the celebrity. It was God who exalted the celebrity to fame and fortune. It was God who removed the celebrity from our midst.
Remember your Maker, O man! Fear God and keep His commandments, and when you fail at that — turn to Jesus Christ, the only Savior of sinners…even some celebrity ones! Worship God in Christ, alone, not the celebrity sinner who lived for himself, but who was not rich toward God.
David Norczyk
Spokane Valley, Washington
October 29, 2022