Don’t Read Me, Read the Bible

David Norczyk
4 min readAug 19, 2024


I would be wrong not to express gratitude for my readers. I started writing theological articles at Dunkin’ Donuts on Firestone Boulevard in Downey, California, in September 2015. I began writing because I wanted to leave a legacy for my children and grandchildren, hopefully for generations to come. I also wanted to know the Bible; and writing made me think about what I was learning from God’s Word.

An acquaintance chastened me for not making my writings available to others. So, I made that happen using social media. I did not know much about writing, nor anything about publishing. Nine years later, I have a handful of regular readers; and my total follower count remains quite small.

I am grateful for a pastor friend in Minneapolis, who introduced me to back during Covid-19. He was later kicked off the site because of his conservative Christian views on controversial topics. I decided to stick with theology.

As I approach the milestone number of 1,800 published articles on, next month, I am grateful they have data storage that large! It has been a while since I looked; but when I did, I only knew a few names on my followers list. I seem to add a couple readers per week; and I am not sure how they actually find me.

My most read article was back in the winter of 2021. I cannot even remember what the topic was; but it got some traction. That soon dissipated; and I pressed on with some articles being read by no one. I stopped looking at my reader count. It was not the reason for me to write.

Motive matters in everything we do. Obviously, if I am writing for my own devotion and edification, I really don’t care how many followers; nor do I have to know how many “reads” an article generates.

I do genuinely hope that someone…anyone else can benefit from my writings. There is a bit of redundancy in what I write because I am drawing from a singular source…the Bible. That very small economy is the purpose of this article.

Everything I have written has been penned in cursive long hand with a Bic Crystal medium point black ink pen. Second, I type each article and put forth effort to proof and edit for bad spelling and grammar. I usually find mistakes after I have hit the “publish and send” button. Third, I add the Bible text address to the most relevant statements.

I don’t often quote the Bible passages themselves; but I allude to and paraphrase in my interpretation of what the Bible says. Although I read Hebrew and Greek, I do not make that the emphasis of my articles. What I am writing is doctrine. Like a small jigsaw puzzle, each of my articles is a combination of pieces of Bible doctrine that say something, when combined in the process of pairing different ideas from the Bible.

Each doctrine is employed with a variation of frequency. Salvation is a central theme; which means God, man, sin, and reconciliation are very frequent, too. Trying to write clearly, accurately, and logically is no easy task. I appreciate others who are apt to the task.

I love to write, although I really do not think I have improved much in nine years. If I was serious about being a better writer, I would probably enroll in a writing class. I don’t and I won’t. I am not writing for you, my dear reader.

First, I write as an act of worship. Knowing God is a blessing granted to me that I want to value, personally, and then pass along to others. Second, as I write, I am learning the Bible more intimately. In my youth, I marveled at people who knew their Bibles. I never had that desire to know Scripture until God gave me the desire. Now, I struggle reading the uninspired writings of men. I want to read the Word of God, the Bible. I want you to do the same.

It is helpful to read those who know more than we do; but the Bible assures the child of God that he or she has an anointing from God who teaches us. Reading the Bible oneself is encouraged. Reading and studying the Bible in a small group is even better.

My articles are not inspired by God. As I work out my salvation with fear and trembling (Phil 2:12), I rejoice that the desire to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus is present (2 Pet 3:18). I am motivated by the indwelling Holy Spirit to learn Christ, to do truth (Jn 14:17; Rom 8:9, 11).

My dear reader, bless you for reading what I have written; but please know that my intention is for you to be prompted to study the Scriptures for yourself. You might even receive the inspiration to write 4-minute articles, too.

The whole earth will soon to be filled with the glory of God. Whatever you can fill with the true knowledge of God and of Christ Jesus, our Lord, is a bonus, today. Speaking the Word of God, writing the Word of God, after you have read and listened to the Word of God means you are being fruitful in the matters pertaining to His glory and excellence.

In conclusion, what can be said? Don’t read me…read the Bible. You have missed my purpose if that is not the result of your visiting my page. It is all about me pointing you to Christ, so open your Bible and learn of Him. You won’t be disappointed, if His Spirit visits you there.

David Norczyk

Spokane Valley, Washington

August 19, 2024



David Norczyk
David Norczyk

Written by David Norczyk

Some random theologian out West somewhere, Christian writer, preacher

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