False Teachers: Conclusion
The irony of false teachers is that the very truths they deny are exactly their doom. The Apostle Peter wrote to the churches of Asia Minor to encourage them that the apostolic message was true. This message was an extension of the true prophet’s message.
The false prophets of old, coupled with false teachers, today, are heretics. They malign the way of truth in both doctrine and practice. Their words and actions are both perverted. In this concluding section of 2 Peter 2, we summarize:
First, there is the number of false teachers and the unstable souls who follow their teachings and lifestyle. The number for both groups is “many.”
Second, false teaching is heretical. It is destructive in that it leads people on to the wide way leading to destruction (Mt 7:13). Unsound doctrine is the doctrine of demons (1 Tim 4:1), who are dispatched by the father of lies (Jn 8:44). With false words (2 Pet 2:3), charlatans speak arrogantly on subjects they do not know (Ps 94:4; Jude 1:16).
Third, false teachers deny the teaching of Christ, that is, sound doctrine. Adding to or subtracting from the doctrine of Christ, their deception is the promise of “freedom.” In truth, false teachers are slaves to the corruption they present as liberty. Foremost is the promise of sexual freedom, based on the denunciation of Christ’s second coming in judgment. They reason, “Jesus really is not coming to judge the world, so we may as well live it up.”
Fourth, Peter presents examples of those who suffered in the past for their misjudgment of God’s judgment. The fallen angels were sure they would be free of God. Instead, they got an eternal reminder of God’s displeasure with them. The generation of Noah lived licentious and received a flood of judgment. Sodom received fire and brimstone for their sexual deviance among other sins. Peter referred to Balaam as his final illustration. There is nothing more ironic than having your dumb ass rebuke you for cursing God’s people.
Finally, the practice of false teachers is to pursue for themselves what they promote. They desire sex, money, and power. This is the essence of their false witness of a false gospel that denies the holiness and godliness of Christ and His people.
Further irony is that false teachers have learned Christ. They have come into the community of God’s people. They have heard the Word of truth taught by the Spirit of truth (Jn 14:26); but it did not profit them (Heb 4:2). Instead of continuing in God’s Word (Jn 8:31), they return to the world. Philosophies and sensualities are their pursuit once again. The fruit they produce is rotten and fit only for the garbage heap.
The blind, indubitably lead the blind into the pit of black darkness (Mt 15:14; Lk 6:39). Denying the coming judgment, these are only storing up wrath for the day of wrath (Rom 2:5). Their destruction is much nearer than they realize. God’s wrath, personified, is not sleeping or idle as they claim (2 Pet 2:3). It is active and targeted (Rom 1:18).
The born again have the indwelling Spirit to guide and protect them (Jn 16:13; Rom 8:9, 11; 1 Pet 1:3). Jesus prayed toward this end in His high priestly prayer (Jn 17). This blessed assurance of our salvation is a gift of God’s grace (Eph 2:8–9). The token of the permanent presence of the Spirit keeps the saint humble, yet confident (Mic 6:8; 2 Cor 5:5; Gal 2:20).
The vaporous existence of each false teacher should comfort the believer and help the Christian in his or her reverent walk before the judge of all the earth (Gen 18:25), who always does right because He is Jesus Christ, the righteous (Jn 5:22; 1 Jn 2:1).
The Christian response to false teachers and teaching is one of acknowledgement and warning. We must know the truth (Jn 8:32; 1 Tim 2:4), as it is in Jesus (Eph 4:21). We know the truth from the Bible, as God’s revelation of Himself (Ps 119:160; Jn 17:17). Christians are witnesses to both the vanity of the world and its system of promoting sin (Eccl 1:2; 1 Jn 5:19). We are also witnesses to the knowledge of Christ, who is the wisdom of God, the power of God (1 Cor 1:24).
Speaking the truth in love (Eph 4:15), we encourage those in Christ’s church to be steadfast and immovable in sound doctrine and holiness, as the way of righteousness. In this, our lives are lights in a dark world. We may be mocked for our godliness and good works; but this is far better than being mocked for being hypocrites.
Our prescription for living godly in Christ Jesus is the true teaching of Scripture. As we learn the truth (Jn 14:6), we are being conformed to His image (Rom 8:29). In contrast, the error is ungodliness. It is nothing new; but it manifests in every generation and every local church is susceptible.
The biblical message has not and will not change because it is the Word of the immutable God (Heb 6:17–18). Heaven and earth will pass away under God’s judgment by fire on the last day (Mt 5:18; 24:35). It is this judgment, denied by the false teachers, that will consume them (Heb 12:29).
Every idle word and every detestable action will be brought into account for every soul outside of Christ (2 Cor 5:10). The day of the Lord has been set (Mt 24:35); and just as our God poured out wrath on men and angels, who arrogantly defied His commandments in the past, it will be even greater in the future (2 Pet 3:10–13; Rev 19:11–21).
Christian, the father of lies hates you; and he will take every opportunity to destroy you, body and soul. You must resist the devil and flee immorality (Jas 4:7; 1 Cor 6:18). You must be a diligent student of the Holy Bible and vigilant to live a life of faith in Christ that is pleasing to God, who rewards those who diligently seek Him and His righteousness by faith (Heb 11:6).
David Norczyk
Spokane Valley, Washington
November 20, 2024
2 Peter 2:17–22