False Teachers: Illustrated
False teachers, today, follow the pattern of false prophets of old (2 Pet 2:1). They remain popular in the church because of their sensuality and greed. They mimic the world system and its methods for numerical growth. The false teachers follow the idolatrous ways of the secularists. As their audience, the ungodly follow the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (1 Jn 2:15–17). Simply put, both false teachers and fake Christians are greedy for more money, more sex, and more power.
The Word of God assures us that no one is going to get away with crimes against divinity. God will judge the wicked; therefore, let us consider some biblical examples of His just judgment against unrepentant sinners. Our source is the Apostle Peter in 2 Peter 2.
First, when the angels rebelled against God in the pre-cosmic fall, God cast them into hell to await the final judgment. Hell is described by the Apostle Peter as “pits of darkness” (2 Pet 2:4). Jude described it the same way (Jude 6). Jesus described hell as eternal fire (Mt 25:41). John referred to it as the lake of fire (Rev 20:14–15; 21:8).
God the Father has given all judgment over to His only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ (Jn 5:22). Jesus has all authority over all flesh (Jn 17:2), having been given all authority in heaven and on earth (Mt 28:18). The Judge of all the earth will surely do right (Gen 18:25), when He sits down on His judgement seat (2 Cor 5:10), at the resurrection to judgment on the last day (Jn 5:28–29). Then, He will sentence all men and angels who rebelled against Him to eternal punishment in fiery hell. For this reason, men should fear God and the terrors of being His enemy for eternity.
Second, God judged the ungodly of the ancient world, when He brought the flood of water upon the whole earth (2 Pet 2:5). He was not idle in His judgment, then, nor is He idle, today (2 Pet 2:3). Back then, every inclination of the human heart was only evil all the time (Gen 6:5); even as the natural man, today, has no interest in holiness or the things of the Spirit of God (1 Cor 2:14).
The false teacher promotes unbiblical Christianity. He or she will spur the unfaithful on to misplaced faith and evil deeds. The lovers of pleasure, lovers of money, lovers of self will flock to hear the feel-good preacher of the health and wealth gospel, along with other destructive heresies.
Third, in the days of Noah, only eight people on the whole earth were spared God’s judgment (Gen 6–9), there were only three who survived the judgment at Sodom and Gomorrah (2 Pet 2:6). In this example, alluding to Genesis 18–19, God delivered righteous Lot, Abraham’s nephew and his daughters from fiery destruction.
Thus, we note that only a remnant was saved from the wrath of God. Righteousness is the key identifier in both examples. This righteousness was manifest in both Noah and Lot, by their faith and then obedience to do something in response to God’s commands. Noah built the ark; and Lot left town.
The Lord knows those who are His; and the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation and evil. Our god is Mighty to save; and He actually does save His people from their sins (Mt 1:21).
Our final example from the Apostle Peter is from Numbers 23; and the account of Balaam, who was hired by King Balak to curse Israel. Who rebuked the greedy, wayward prophet? It was his own talking donkey.
Cursed are those who persecute God’s chosen people, as they seek to live godly in Christ Jesus. Only Jesus Christ could meritoriously secure right standing before God; thus, Christians have an alien, imputed righteousness. Even before Christ, the faith of true believers has always been in the true Word of God. We trust in the Lord, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom He sent to accomplish the work given to Him (Jn 17:3–4).
In summary, we have considered four examples employed by the Apostle Peter. We have learned of rebellious men and angels, who are enticed to do evil by false prophets and false teachers. We have learned that false teachers are corrupt in both doctrine and practice. They are arrogant with words. They make promises they cannot keep. They are very popular with the people. They bring the unholy practices of the world into the church; not to mention the unsound doctrines of demons. They call what is evil “good” and what is good, “evil.” Their religion is defiled; and it defiles.
We have also learned that God does not tolerate their bad ideas and bad behavior for long. The Word of God assures us that the demise of the false teacher and his followers is closer than one thinks. If judgment begins with the house of God; and the ungodly have ascended to leadership, then judgment is pending already.
Christian, false teachers are a threat to every gathering of saints. They are sent from the devil, as children of the devil, to do his will (1 Jn 3:10). They have the appearance of belonging to God’s people; but eventually they will be exposed as the charlatans they are in truth.
It is essential for Christ’s church to be educated in the Word of God, so as to prove the doctrine being taught to them. The congregation must watch those who serve as elders and teachers regarding lifestyle. We have seen how the false teachers live and behave. The quest for more money, more sex, and more power are three areas ever-demanding scrutiny.
To assess a pastor or congregation is not an aberration; it is a wise practice because there are many false teachers in Christian ministry, today, ready to deceive the elect if it were possible, but always deceiving the fake Christians in Christ’s church, who eventually fall away from the faith, shrinking back to destruction.
Finally, pray to God to direct your steps to the true man of God, who serves a genuine congregation of believers-in-Jesus who love the truth. They are the ones eager to know and to speak sound doctrine to you and to everyone who joins with them. Nothing attracts true believers like sound doctrine; and nothing repulses the unbeliever like sound doctrine. That is where the judgment of God begins.
David Norczyk
Spokane Valley, Washington
November 10, 2024
2 Peter 2:4–16