Finding Out About Your Faith and Caring About Your Soul
Even with a surface reading of the Epistles to the Thessalonians, one discerns the heart of love the Apostle Paul had for the church of the Thessalonians. The storm clouds of persecution loomed when Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy escaped the Roman metropolis of provincial Macedonia. It was a premature evasion and certainly displeasing to both the missionary team and the new church congregation.
Physical separation from people we love can often heighten our sense of awareness of them. This reality drove Paul’s prayer life. He genuinely sought what was best for those he previously ministered to in person. Longing for reunion, Paul did not hold back his affections for those he was separated from. His written words articulated his care for souls.
Foremost in this pastor/missionary’s mind was the status of the Thessalonians’ faith. Having been hindered by Satan, from returning to the Aegean port city on the Via Ignatia, Paul knew the church would suffer assault from the enemies of the Gospel in some form. Paul needed to strengthen and encourage the faith of the newly planted church. Nothing bolsters Christian faith, amidst diverse sufferings, like an in-person minister of the Word of God.
God alone can increase the faith of the saints, but if that is the end, we know He is also the God of means, too. In our age of expedited electronic communication, nothing says “I love you” like a personal visit from a pastor. This should never dissuade any brother or sister in Christ from engaging in visitation because the sheep of His pasture never thrive alone.
The missionary “team” is emphasized here because this is how God designed it and displayed it in Scripture. Mature believers disciple younger believers so that the ministry expands its reach to more people. Timothy was ready to be sent back to Thessalonica from Athens because of Paul and Silas’s ongoing tutelage in Word and deed.
The Galatian churches were under same threat from the Judaizers and their claim to have been sent to the church at Syrian Antioch, from the mother church at Jerusalem. The churches in Greece were under a slightly different threat. Greek philosophy, the Roman imperial cult, and the heretics posed internal problems; while external political forces imperiled the people of the Way by imprisonment and property confiscation. Paul also wrote of public lashings along with assassination attempts. In the end, the Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ suffered, even being killed by others at their deaths (The Zebedean John being the one exception).
All this sounds foreign, today, to those under the spell of Pentecostal health and wealth promulgaters (The Prosperity Gospel). In reality, the Christian walk is an endeavor to live a godly life in the midst of a perverse generation in this present evil age. The godliness factor in the Christ faith is an affront to the wicked. Health and wealth messages offend no one, except those ministers of the Gospel who loathe them for their distortions.
Paul hoped their labor of teaching sound doctrine was not in vain. The seed of God’s Word is planted in the hearts of the born again (Jas 1:21; 1 Pet 1:3), first, giving them new life in the Spirit (Jn 10:10; Rom 6:4; 2 Cor 5:17; Eph 2:5; Col 2:13). Paul preached the Word; the Thessalonians heard and appropriated the Word; and now the Word-filled soil of the recipients’ hearts needed ongoing nurture. Timothy returned to Thessalonica to water what Paul and the team had planted.
Deceivers modify the seed to stunt spiritual growth. As long as Christians believe false doctrine, they cannot experience the increase of faith. False teaching by false brethren tears down faith by distorting truth. For this reason, teachers of the Word must be accountable to elders of the church, who themselves have already been approved through testing. Timothy was to continue his study and to show himself approved through preaching the Word (2 Tim 4:2).
In addition, Paul was being slandered by his opponents in every place he faithfully had ministered. He was susceptible to slandering every where else. This, too, is a challenge for men of God, today. Paul’s epistles to Timothy and Titus serve as the manual for called men of God to follow, in their stewardship of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Spiritual warfare is a reality for Christians because the King from heaven has come to establish His kingdom on earth. By His Spirit, one defection after another is occurring across history and across the globe. The children of God, being manifested as sons of glory, are set free from slavery to Satan, sin, and the evil world system of the prince of darkness. The ruler of this world, the devil, is an oppressive tyrant and this is why Christians suffer for following King Jesus.
Jesus Christ our Lord, suffered in life and death at the hands of evil men. His sent-out ones, the Apostles, all suffered in like manner. The churches have all endured trials and tribulations in varying degrees and in diversiform ways. The antidote for suffering persecutions and poisoned preaching is faith in the Word of God, that is Christ Jesus (living Word) and the Holy Bible (written Word).
Therefore, let us acknowledge the advancing kingdom of God is from God…and that the resistance to His kingdom is also from Him (Rom 11:36; Eph 1:11; 1 Thess 3:3–4). The result is a stronger Christian in a stronger church. As silver and gold are refined by fire, so is the believer and the church. Never forget that this present suffering is not to be compared to the glory to be revealed to us (Rom 8:17). Until then, let us minster God’s Word to those near and far away, in order to strengthen and encourage the faith of others and in care for their souls.
David Norczyk
Spokane Valley, Washington
August 5, 2023