Growing Out of the Immaturity of Arminianism

David Norczyk
4 min readOct 26, 2022


The purpose of learning and education is for us to know the truth. It is the truth that sets us free from Satan’s lies and deception (Jn 8:32, 44). It is the devil’s work to lead us onto the wrong path. Even when one claims to be a Christian, he is subject to erroneous doctrines. Getting Jesus wrong is problematic.

For the unbeliever, getting Jesus wrong is not much of a concern. The earnest believer, however, who is yet a babe in Christ, has the indwelling Spirit of truth (Jn 14:17; Rom 8:9, 11; Jas 4:5). The third Person of the Trinity is the catalyst for the Christian’s spiritual maturation. The Holy Spirit guides the born again into all truth (Jn 16:13). The objective is for God’s adopted children (Rom 8:15, 23) to walk in the truth (2 Jn 1:4; 3 Jn 1:3).

Great divides exist in Christian doctrine, however. Sound doctrine is a biblical imperative, but Christian immaturity, pride, and the deceiver’s work all hinder one’s advance in the quest for truth. Christians who diligently seek God, in their study of the Scriptures are rewarded with a greater knowledge of the truth (2 Pet 3:18). It is prudent to seek first the kingdom of God (Mt 6:33), by meditating on holy Writ (Ps 119:148), in the power and blessing of the Spirit of Christ.

When one is trapped in a denomination’s faith and message, he may be trapped in error. The church in the New Testament is prone to the same mistakes as the church in the Old Testament. So when a mega church pastor leads the masses astray, by implying the irrelevance of the Old Testament, he is doing exactly what false teachers, prophets, and priests did in the Old Testament.

Just as men led the nation of Israelites, so men are ordered to lead and teach the Israel of God, Christ’s church (Gal 6:16). The desire of women to usurp that position is from Satan (1 Cor 14:34–36; 1 Tim 2: 9–15), and it leads to women deceiving men into accepting the lies of the adversary, as it was with Eve and Adam. This is true for the church’s teaching on sexual deviance, too. With the intrusion of women pastors has come the acceptance of all kinds of sexual sins (Rev 2:20).

What is the root of all of this slippery slope succumbing? At the heart of the issue is man-centered theology. Therefore, when one tells another of his disinterest in the Calvinist/Arminian conflict, or speaks of its irrelevance, he is demonstrating a deficiency in both biblical interpretation and church history. For this reason, those with a high view of God and a low view of man must diligently teach others in these matters.

There are two types of Arminians, who forward man’s control of his own salvation. First, there is the immature believer, who will continue to listen to sound teachers, read their Bibles, and read doctrine. These must be helped with great vigor. Helping them find better theologians to study is one of the pastor’s responsibilities. Talking them through their belief system is not a burden because these students of the Word have an eager desire to learn.

There is the second type of Arminian, who must be rebuked (2 Tim 3:16). He or she is the pastor of a local church. They are placed into positions of power, by ignorant congregations or denominations. The blind choose the blind leader to lead them even further astray. It becomes a vicious cycle that only God’s grace can interrupt.

Arminian pastors, unlike immature Christians holding to Arminian beliefs at the moment, are nothing but wolves in sheep’s clothing. Just like their father, the false teacher, Jacobus Arminius, the objective is to lead people further into man-centered theology, or as the devil taught, “You, too, shall be like gods (Gen 3:5).” Anyone who champions man’s choice over God’s choice is a devil. Anyone who promotes the myth of man’s free will, is never going to teach the truth of God’s sovereign free will. These two ideas are diametrically opposed to one another. You shall know the pastors by their teaching.

Because we are students before we are teachers and preachers, we must discourage young men from pursuing the ministry of the Word, until they have a high view of God, having destroyed the idols of humanism, philosophy, psychology, and of course, Arminianism (doctrine of demons). Of course, we must deny women of all ages from the temptation of engaging what God has forbidden.

Pastor, if you remain an Arminian, you must be told what you are in truth…a false teacher. Christian, if you are growing in grace and knowledge of the truth (2 Pet 3:18), you must depart your Arminian pastor and church. You are looking for teaching from the Bible that exalts Christ, alone, which honors God. Pray for God’s direction to help you, to the place where you can thrive in the Spirit and Word of truth.

David Norczyk

Spokane Valley, Washington

October 26, 2022



David Norczyk
David Norczyk

Written by David Norczyk

Some random theologian out West somewhere, Christian writer, preacher

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