Heaven on Earth: The Real Deal to Come

David Norczyk
5 min readAug 12, 2024


Life in this world is short. Our lives are but a vapor (Jas 4:14). In contrast, occupying eternity is forever and ever. The majority of humanity invests heavily in this world and takes nothing with them upon departure (1 Tim 6:7). Most people attend numerous funerals in their lifetime. They have seen this phenomenon repeated; but it has little to no effect on the way people live their lives (Eccl 7:2, 4). If anything, it spurs the funeral goer to live more recklessly, in order to secure his best life now (Eccl 1:2; 12:8).

The total depravity of humanity is universal (Gen 6:5; Jer 17:3; Is 64:6; Rom 1:18–32; 3:10–12; Eph 2:12). The natural man is a sinner who loves the darkness of this world (Jn 3:19). His heart is wicked and deceitful above all else (Jer 17:3); and His deeds are evil, filthy rags (Is 64:6). He is without God in this world (Eph 2:12); unwilling and unable to change his course on the wide way leading to destruction (Mt 7:13–14; Rom 8:7; 1 Cor 2:14).

When God reveals one of His elect (Eph 1:4–5; 1 Pet 2:9), redeemed people — by calling them (2 Pet 1:10), regenerating them (1 Pet 1:3), and indwelling them (Rom 8:9, 11) — He gives them spiritual life and teaches them the Holy Scripture (Jn 6:63; 14:26; 1 Cor 2:14–15). The Bible is filled with God’s promises that double as prophecy. The pinnacle promise/prophecy is found in Revelation 21–22. This is the promise of eternal life in the new heavens and the new earth (Is 65:17; 66:22).

The promise of God includes the destruction of this present creation, earth and heavens (2 Pet 3:10–13). It will all be brought under the fiery wrath of God’s righteous judgment (Ps 9:8; 98:9). The fall of creation because of sin has an ultimate consequence (Gen 3). The Day of Judgment is coming (1 Jn 4:17); and all people everywhere must be warned about this revelation from the Bible. All people are told to repent and turn in total trust to our God and Savior, Jesus Christ (Acts 16:30–21; 17:30; 1 Tim 1:1; Titus 1:4; 2:13; 2 Pet 1:1; Jude 1).

The new creation, like the old one, has Jesus as its Creator and King (Col 1:16; 1 Tim 6:15; Heb 1:2). Jesus Christ, the righteous (1 Jn 2:1), will dwell as the center of the new heavens and the new earth (2 Pet 3:13; Rev 7:17). He will be the light of the new world — literally, as there will be no sun and no moon in the new heavens (Rev 22:5).

The glories and excellence of the city of God have no comparison. God, our God, will walk among His people (Lev 26:12). He will tabernacle with us (Rev 21:3). The union of God and man will have reached its full manifestation. Sin will no longer wreak havoc on the bodies and souls of people, who have received the gift of eternal life (1 Jn 5:11–13).

Since the fall of man, the estrangement between God and man has taken an enormous toll on humanity. Inherited and practiced sin only brings suffering (Ps 51:5; Rom 3:23; 5:12; 6:23); and suffering is the product of humanity’s plight. There is pain and crying because of the body of sin and death amidst the fallen creation. The soul (heart and mind) also suffers deep anguish. We mourn loss and separation. Disease and death are everywhere in this world at war.

Humanity without God is without hope…helpless (Eph 2:12). In this world of sin, no man has any will nor ability to obey God (Rom 8:7). Men and women do not seek God (Rom 3:11), to please Him. Instead, they hate God and the Son of God (Jn 7:7; Rom 1:30), whom the Father sent to reconcile a people for His own possession — chosen, called, and beloved (Rom 1:7; 2 Cor 5:18–20; 2 Tim 1:9; Titus 2:14; 1 Pet 2:9; 2 Pet 1:10; Jude 1).

When the Bible speaks of life after death of the body, it teaches about the resurrection of the body, to be glorified along with the eternal soul (Jn 5:28–29; Rom 8:30; 1 Cor 15; Phil 1:29). Body and soul, glorified, we shall be together…and together with our God in the place He made ready for us (Jn 14:2–3; Rev 21:2).

Sinful man has been running away from God since Eden. It has not gone well for the human race, nor is the future bright for man without God. This is what makes the prospect of heaven on earth so comforting. For those not in hell for eternity (Mt 25:41, 46; Jude 7; Rev 20:14–15), God’s chosen remnant (Rom 11:5–6), the pleasures of God await them at His right hand (Ps 16:11). Christ is at the Father’s right hand (Ps 110:1; Heb 1:3; 8:1), on the throne of God in the holy city, New Jerusalem, the heavenly Zion (Rev 21:2; Heb 12:22).

The Apostle Paul shared his blessed assurance with Timothy, “The Lord will deliver me from every evil deed, and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom; to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen (2 Tim 4:18).” Every believer in Jesus shares this blessed hope of Christ returning for His own (Titus 2:13), His bride (Eph 5:25), His church (Mt 16:18), His body of people (Rom 12:4–5; 1 Cor 12:12, 14), the Israel of God (Gal 6:16). We will know His loving care and comfort, even as He has given us His pledge (Holy Spirit), along with precious and magnificent promises (Word).

God’s eternal purposes will come to pass because they must come to pass. God’s will is eternally decreed. With perfect wisdom, He performs all His works, perfectly (Is 26:12; Rom 8:28; Heb 4:3). There is no one beside Him in majesty and glory (Is 44:8; 45:21). Every rival is an idol imposter. Every promise of man is like the unpredictable ocean. In this world, there is trial and tribulation (Jn 16:33), toil and tumult (Gen 3:17; Eccl 5:16). In the world to come, there is rest (Heb 4).

When the heavenly city descends from God to the new earth (Rev 21:2); it will be the heavenly place of perfect security, perfect prosperity, and perfect rest in the presence of the One, who loved us and who gave Himself for us that we might be released from our sins and liberated to serve the living God (1 Thess 1:9; Heb 9:14; Rev 1:5).

This present darkness in this present evil age will soon be replaced by the eternal city of light (Gal 1:4; Col 1:13). It will be a community of life and love. God, our God, has promised to make all things new (Is 42:9; 2 Cor 5:17; Rev 21:5). The old things will have passed away, to be remembered no more (Is 65:17). Every tear will be wiped away, by the One we will soon see face-to-face (Is 25:8; Rev 7:17; 21:4). We will be like Him; for we will see Him as He is in the beauty of His holiness (1 Jn 3:2). And we as His bride, will sit down with Him in glory, on the throne, in the city of God, upon the new earth, amidst the new heavens (Rev 3:21).

All of man’s attempt at heaven on earth has failed and will surely fail. There simply is no heaven without heaven’s favored Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. This world has no future, being devoid of the Spirit (Jn 14:17; Jude 19). Therefore, it behooves us all to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Mt 6:33); for His kingdom has no end (Dan 2:44; Lk 1:33). It is forever in glory…with Jesus at the center of it all.

David Norczyk

Spokane Valley, Washington

August 12, 2024

Revelation 21:1–4



David Norczyk
David Norczyk

Written by David Norczyk

Some random theologian out West somewhere, Christian writer, preacher

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