Honey Bread from Heaven

David Norczyk
5 min readAug 18, 2022


Martin Luther said, “I have covenanted with my Lord that He should not send me visions, or dreams, or even angels. I am content with this one gift of the Scriptures, which abundantly teaches and supplies all that is necessary both for this life, and that which is to come.” It should be the Christian’s prerogative to properly value the Bible, God’s Word.

David wrote from the heart, “O how I love Thy Law (Psalm 119:97a)!” Most people avoid Holy Writ because they read condemnation, and this is true (Jn 3:18). One must know of her salvation, in order to love God’s Law. Thus, the Bible and how one interacts with it, daily, serves as an examination, to determine if he or she is in the faith.

True love is never a burden. It is a magnificent obsession, a delight. The lover of God’s Law mediates on it all the day (Ps 119:97b). It is daily bread for the life of the soul. Like a trip to one’s favorite bakery, the anticipation of receiving goodness instills a longing love. O Lord, give us this bread from heaven (Jn 6:31, 41) — who is Christ, the Lord!

Human knowledge ever sets itself in competition with the Bible. Some are ever-learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth (2 Tim 3:7). They do not know that the foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of men (1 Cor 1:18–25). David knew, “Thy commandments make me wiser than my enemies (119:98).” The problem with human knowledge and wisdom is that it is ever-changing. One generation’s medicine is exposed for being a poison, by the next generation.

Heaven and earth will pass away, but God’s Word will stand forever (Mt 24:35). The Christian says of God’s precepts, “They are ever mine (119:98b).” Hence, a love that adds wisdom, should increase our devotion to that which is eternal (Heb 13:8). Each Bible verse holds more fruit for us than we could ever think or imagine. Will God deprive His children this glorious grace from this tree of life and knowledge?

How does the student surpass his teacher, but by having a better source and more access points? David claimed, “I have more insight than all my teachers (119:99a).” He did not hide the secret to his intellectual success, “For Thy testimonies are my meditation (119:99b).” Remember, his intellect was experimental. Experiential knowledge is the result of living what you know, and knowing what you have lived.

The child of God, even in the youth of his years, may carry greater wisdom than the aged (119:100). He understands the ways of God and the ways of the world, “because I have observed Thy precepts (119:100b).” Thus, an old fool is the product of a life wasted on the vanities of man. Walking in the futility of his mind (Eph 4:17), the fool says in his heart, evident by his life and his words, “There is no God (Ps 14:1; 53:1).” God’s Word is not in him (Jn 8:47), for he has no love for the truth, so as to be saved (2 Thess 2:10).

There is a marvelous, inverse relationship for the studious lover of God’s Word. It is the Spirit who restrains the believer’s feet from every evil way (119:101a). The inclination of the heart of natural man is only evil, all the time (Gen 6:5). He may fear hell, but he does not hate sin.

The Christian is guided into the truth of God’s Word (Jn 16:13), by his divine Teacher, whose sole textbook is the Bible (Jn 14:26; 17:17). The Word becomes that which instructs the child of God, but it also becomes the child’s heart’s desire to keep God’s Word (119:101b). Or, put another way, he who lives in God’s Word, increasingly desires to live there. Sin finds no home at the foot of the Cross, so happy is the Christian, who dwells there day and night. The death of sin is only executed in the death of Christ (Rom 6:2, 10).

Blessed is the man who walks with the Lord, the Spirit, in the way of Christ, the Lord, who always did what was pleasing to His Father (Jn 8:29). Jesus did not turn aside from God’s ordinances (119:102a). He was taught of His Father (119:102b).

Jesus’ disciples were taught of Christ enfleshed (Jn 1:14). We are taught of the Holy Spirit sent to us (Jn 14:26), to indwell us (Jn 14:17; Rom 8:9, 11), and to sanctify us into conformity with the image of God’s perfect Son (Rom 8:29). Thus, every step forward, on the path of righteousness, is all Spirit and Word (Jn 17:17). Every step back is a declension into the wisdom and way of man. Fog machines in your worship service only blow smoke into people’s souls.

What is sweeter than honey? Only one thing…God’s Word (119:103). The diabetic cannot process sugar for nourishment, without insulin, so the soul cannot process the sweet Word of God, without the Spirit of God. The result is power for living in the realm of righteousness and grace.

There is a fake sugar for one’s coffee, and there is a false way that is to be hated by servants of the Lord (119:104). The world promises knowledge and wisdom, but these only lead to destruction (Prv 14:12). There are many ways to hell but only one way to heaven (Jn 14:6). The Christian understands this from God’s revelation, giving her understanding of the truth, as it is in Christ Jesus (Jn 1:17; Eph 4:21).

Are you a Christian? Your daily meditation in the Bible is a labor of love, which gives you understanding of God’s everlasting love for His people (Jer 31:3). God speaks love to His elect, through His eternal Word, which powerfully conforms you, to the way of righteousness, which is Christ.

Do you desire more godliness, more holiness? Rejoice. You are in a remnant company! The Christian does, indeed, want these realities, and God leads His beloved to Christ, who accomplishes this concern (Ps 57:2; 138:8), by inspiring meditations in God’s Word of eternal wisdom. You will become what you read. Simply put, you gotta love it! Its honey bread from heaven! There is much pleasure and much profit — if you do read the Bible, in love for the One who gave it and who is revealed in it. Now, that’s good bread!

David Norczyk

Spokane Valley, Washington

August 18, 2022



David Norczyk
David Norczyk

Written by David Norczyk

Some random theologian out West somewhere, Christian writer, preacher

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