If Only the Church Knew That Jesus Christ is the Israel of God

David Norczyk
4 min readAug 16, 2021


Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God. He is the only begotten of the Father. Jesus is the elect of God, the Lord our righteousness. He is Lord of all, even our all in all. With such a lofty list of exalted titles, how do Christians miss the obvious — Jesus Christ is the Israel of God.

The name, “Israel,” first appeared in association with the Jewish patriarch, Jacob, around the 20th century before Christ. Having twelve sons who later multiplied into tribes while in Egypt, the name was affixed to the whole nation of people in the Exodus from Egypt.

Students of the Bible are familiar with the term, “type” or “typology.” Old Testament Israel served as a type of “Messiah and His people.” In fact, the leaders of the nation served as types of the Messiah Himself. For example, Moses was the representative head of the enslaved Hebrews in Egypt. He was a type of deliverer, even as Joseph preceded him as a type of ruler, who provided for his people. Joshua served as a type of conqueror for Israel in the conquest of Canaan. David served as a type of king and warrior.

In every case of “good” not perfect headship by a judge, prophet, priest, or king, the type was pointing to Jesus Messiah who would gather His people, Israel, as the head of His called-out ones. The term Jesus used was, “church.”

Since the modern theological invention of Dispensationalism (19th century A.D.), there has been a misnomer applied to Jewish people, especially since the United Nations created the modern, secular state in the Middle East that took the name, “Israel.” Instead of condemning Judaism, as did the Apostle Paul (see Romans and Galatians, especially), Dispensationalists embraced the Jewish secular state that remains particularly hostile to Jesus Messiah.

The proliferation of Dispensational beliefs among Evangelicals has been fueled by eschatology (the study of end things). Prophecy conferences, end times books and electronic media, in successive generations has captured both Pentecostal and Evangelical hearts and minds.

With masterful marketing and the twisting of Scripture, these people have successfully refocused the church’s attention from Jesus Christ, the Israel of God and placed it on a small, secular nation in the Middle East. Many remain obsessed with the land, a former temple site, and the prospect of a renewed priesthood that will be ready to perform animal sacrifices any day now. Does the Dispensational Evangelical even ask why Christ is not sufficient and these things are encouraged?

In their quest for the upper hand, Dispensationalists have nicknamed the traditional Christian view of Christ and His church being the Israel of God, as the Apostle Paul did (Rom 9:6; Gal 6:16), with the derogatory moniker, “Replacement Theology.” If anything, the Dispensationalists are the replacement theologians, who invented a whole new system of theology as the 20th century progressed.

Most Evangelicals and Pentecostals are oblivious to the fact that they are the proverbial “new kids on the block.” A simple read of church history or historical theology exposes the Dispensationalists as the creative new theology inventors…and that is never a badge of honor.

The extreme proliferation of heretical cults in the 19th century should be a red flag warning to assimilated Dispensationalists who are lacking in the study of church history. Simply put, you may want to consider whether you are in the wrong theological camp. Are you looking for Christ’s return by focusing on events in the Middle East? By Christ’s own admission the day of His glorious appearing will be any number of ordinary peoples’ wedding day!

We implore you to look to the Bible, not prophecy books promoting abysmal Bible interpretations. We challenge you to answer, “Who is Israel in Isaiah 49?” Have you spent most of your days avoiding Romans 9–11? May we suggest reading those three chapters over and over again until you actually understand and even believe them. Finally, ask why Paul wrote his epistle to the Galatians and even why he explicitly called Christ’s church, “the Israel of God (Gal 6:16).”

You must conclude with Paul that “Not all Israel (ethnic Jews) is Israel (God’s elect from every nation, tribe, and tongue — Rev 5:9). Jesus Christ is the Head of His body of people, both Jews and Gentiles. Both the Head and the body share the name, “Israel.”

Christian, you would know these basic things if you read your Bible. There you would discover one covenant of grace, one called-out people who are elect from before creation and whose names were written in the Lamb’s book of life. You would also read about one Spirit, who is executing God’s one plan of salvation.

There is only one way of salvation for the redeemed people of God and that is in Christ, alone, by grace, alone, through faith, alone, according to the Scriptures, alone, all for the glory of God, alone. When the Dispensationalist comes along with his new-fangled two covenant, two people of God, and two ways of salvation, you only have to ask him, “Who is the Israel of God?” If the answer is not “Jesus Christ and His church” then depart from that man and his preposterous views. He has replaced the King of glory with a cheap imposter contrived less than 200 years ago.

David Norczyk

Spokane Valley, Washington

August 16, 2021



David Norczyk
David Norczyk

Written by David Norczyk

Some random theologian out West somewhere, Christian writer, preacher

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