Jesus Christ, the Supreme Lord of All
Those who have been chosen of God (Rom 11:5–6; Col 3:12; 2 Thess 2:13; 2 Tim 2:10; Titus 1:1; 1 Pet 2:9; Rev 17:14), predestined to adoption as sons (Eph 1:4–5), are beneficiaries of all the spiritual blessings in heavenly places (Eph 1:3), where Christ Jesus is seated at the right hand of God the Father in Majesty (Ps 110:1; Eph 1:20). The Apostle Paul wrote to the church at Ephesus to explain the Christian’s position “in Christ” and Christ’s filling every elect soul to the full.
Jesus Christ is Lord (Phil 2:9–11). He is Lord of all (Acts 10:36). There is none beside Him (Is 44:8; 45:6, 21; 47:8; 64:4). Jesus has disarmed all rulers and authority (Col 2:15); and He reigns above them (Eph 1:21), whom He created (Col 1:16). It is too easy for us to think only of earthly powers. Governments and multi-national corporations dominate our lives. When Paul addressed the churches of Asia Minor, he was pointing to the spiritual forces that previously influenced the members of Christ’s body.
Christians must grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Pet 3:18). We must mature in the faith which has been handed down to us (1 Tim 1:1; Jude 1:3). The goal is to be conformed to the image of our Lord Jesus, the perfect God-man (Rom 8:29). Learning Christ and knowing Him in all truth is the Christian walk/life. To know Jesus Christ and the power of His resurrection is our privilege and delight (Phil 3:10).
Jesus Christ is the wisdom of God and the power of God (1 Cor 1:24). No angelic power or dominion should ever be consulted for the purpose of gaining “special knowledge” or any kind of special spiritual power. Christ is sufficient in every way for everything pertaining to life and ministry. Trusting Him is our victory (Prv 3:5–6; 1 Jn 5:4).
As the creator of all things and the sustainer of all things (Col 1:15, 17; Heb 1:3), we know that all things are subject to Him (Eph 1:22). Still, we observe rebellion around us (Rom 1:18–32; 3:10–12; Gal 5:19–21; Eph 2:12). Not everything has been brought into subjection to His Lordship (Heb 2:8). God is providentially working all things, maintaining everything by His design and power, in order for His program for His church to be fulfilled on His timeline (Mt 16:18; Eph 2:20–22).
The Gospel of Jesus Christ, who is the mystery of God now revealed, must be proclaimed to all nations (Mt 24:14), to all creation (Mk 16:15). This is the work of the Holy Spirit in the life and mission of Christ’s church. The Spirit of Christ, indwelling every elect, redeemed, regenerated soul is making Christ known to the uttermost part of the earth (Jn 14:17; Acts 1:8; Rom 8:9, 11).
God’s Word, the Holy Bible, is our text book for knowing Christ; and by knowing Christ, we know God. It is God the Spirit who teaches us Christ (Jn 14:26). It is Christ who shows us the Father (Jn 14:8–9) Therefore, our pursuit of the knowledge of the truth is our labor of love for the One who is both love and truth (Jn 14:6; 1 Jn 4:8).
It is the work of our adversary, the devil, to dilute the doctrine of Christ through syncretism. The deceiver distorts our knowledge of our Lord and Savior via the doctrine of demons (1 Tim 4:1). The evil one, posing as an angel of light, distracts us away from Christ through the enticement of the supernatural realm (i.e. angels; signs and wonders; powers; etc.). We must resist the devil in these tactics to reduce Christ and enhance ourselves (Jas 4:7).
There is no good thing that dwells within the natural man (1 Cor 2:14); therefore, he should not boast in himself, nor think more highly of himself than he ought. His downfall is the pride of life (1 Jn 2:15–17).
There is a man sitting on the throne of God (Rev 7:17). We must set our minds on things above (Col 3:2), keeping our focus on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith (Heb 12:2). For all authority in heaven and on earth belong to Him (Mt 28:18); and for this reason, He has been given the name above every other name that is named (Eph 1:21; Phil 2:9–11). He is the sovereign Lord of heaven and earth who rules over all. Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords — the King of glory, who sits in the heavens and does as He pleases (Ps 24; 115:3; 135:6; 1 Tim 6:15).
Every knee must bow to Jesus Christ (Phil 2:10), for He has been entrusted with the judgment — all judgment (Jn 5:22). A day has been appointed by God the Father for the second advent of God the Son to judge the world (Ps 9:8; 98:9; Rom 3:6); which He will do in righteousness and with perfect justice (2 Cor 5:10; Rev 20:11). Every wrong done to His church, His beloved, the Israel of God will be recompensed. Vengeance belongs to our dread Champion (Jer 20:11), who has promised to put down and put away all His/our enemies (Dt 32:35; Ps 110:1; Rom 12:19; Heb 10:30).
The terrifying expectation of judgment is a warning to every rebel sinner (Heb 10:27). Our God is a consuming fire who has Himself promised eternal punishment in fiery hell for those who hate Him (Mt 5:22; 18:9; Rom 1:30; Rev 20:14–15), deny Him (Mt 10:33), and work against Him (Heb 12:29). His righteous wrath is forever directed at all those who do iniquity (Ps 5:5; 7:11; 11:5), perform evil deeds (Jn 5:29; 7:7), and blaspheme His holy name (Lev 24:16; Is 52:5; Rev 13:6).
We must ever be reminded that our battle is not again flesh and blood (Eph 6:12). It is spiritual warfare in a cosmic conflict that plays out in our physical universe. The earth is a battle ground and so are the hearts and minds of men and women. The father of lies has blinded the minds of those who are not believing in and obeying Christ Jesus the Lord (2 Cor 4:4; Eph 4:17).
It is unloving of us to withhold the knowledge we possess regarding the supreme Lord of glory. May God grant you boldness in how you ought to speak of Him, who rules and reigns from the center of the throne in heaven with all wisdom and power. Jesus Christ is Lord; and that is to the glory of God the Father. We proclaim Him, admonishing all men everywhere to repent and believe in Him who is the Head of His church and sovereign King of the universe.
David Norczyk
Spokane Valley, Washington
March 29, 2024
Ephesians 1:15–23