Painting a Hopeless Picture
The tragedy of the American church is found in the quest for pastor popularity. This is essential for the church growth movement, which employs psychology and philosophy to position every man as Christ’s co-pilot in salvation. Evangelicals scoff at Roman Catholics who make Mary co-redemptrix with Jesus, but they never think twice about their co-redemption work in free will decisionalism, today’s version of the Arminian heresy.
What is missing from today’s preaching is the pastor who paints the hopeless picture. This was Paul’s objective from Romans 1:18–3:20. The great apostle was determined to show the sinfulness of sin and God’s judgment in turning sinners over to a reprobate mind. People are without God and without hope in the world (Eph 2:12).
If preachers are mute regarding the extent of sin, in favor of self-help psychology for “the journey,” then the wrath of God is simply not known. The prevalent psychology in theology is “God loves you,” no matter who you are in identity and works. In fact, it is presented that it is impossible for God not to love you. The doctrines of election and reprobation are also not believed nor preached, despite their prominent position in Scripture (Jn 6, 10; Rom 9; Eph 1).
The denial of the biblical doctrine of the total depravity of man is also replaced by the preferred narrative of the sickness of man, in need of a physician. Jesus is the healer of the soul in this twisted theme that elevates man’s condition before God.
The extent of the fall of man is lessened so man’s self-esteem is not harmed in any way. The objective of the psychologist-pastor is to build men up, so they see themselves worthy of Jesus’ friendship. Jesus is the rock star, and you are the plebeian, but He loves and accepts you just as you are, made in the image of God, of course. All of this is a lie because the fall of man was far more devastating than false teachers wish to admit.
Church history proves that the notable preachers, tested by their faithfulness under the scrutiny of subsequent generations, all started their stewardship of the Word with the conviction of sin. This was accomplished by the preaching of the Law of God.
God’s existence is clear from what He has made. The light of nature ensures that no honest man is an atheist. Of course, the fool says there is no God (Ps 14:1; 53:1), but the devil has only made his darkness a blinding one (2 Cor 4:4). Given the choice of seeing, sinful man would always choose to remain blind. Praise God that He provides no choices for His people in salvation!
The Law of God does what nature cannot. The Law testifies to the holy character of God. Being exposed to the Law only makes a man accountable, all the more, on the day of God’s judgment. The reason is that the Law gives man the knowledge of sin in precise terms.
People pursue knowledge in varying degrees and in a myriad of topical studies. Without the specifics of the Law, knowledge of any subject will be deficient in revealing the chasm between God and man. Man will use knowledge to puff himself up in pride, thinking more highly of himself than he ought to, always learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a diluted lie if the Law of God is not its precursor. The Law of God and the conviction of sin ensures the purity of the Gospel preached, along with its power to save the hopeless, helpless man. The reason? He knows the whole truth about God and about himself.
The conclusion of the regenerate soul is, “O wretched man that I am,” but thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord (Rom 7:24–25)! The pivot point where hopelessness is met with hope is Romans 3:20, followed by Romans 3:21, “But now…” The subsequent chapters reveal what God has done to justify and sanctify His chosen people. This is why Christians have hope in this hopeless world.
Pastor, preacher, Christian are you avoiding the hard sayings of the Bible? Jesus preached them, and the mega crowds left Him with a small remnant of disciples, who knew He was preaching the words of eternal life to them (Jn 6). Go and do likewise.
David Norczyk
Spokane Valley, Washington
January 25, 2022