Profiling an Arminian from the Old Testament

David Norczyk
9 min readDec 20, 2020


The Book of Esther in the Hebrew Scriptures is a fascinating tale of how a young Jewess becomes Queen of Persia and Media. Yahweh, the God of Israel, is not mentioned even once in the book, but it is a book filled with God’s providence. God is there in the background orchestrating people’s lives. He is protecting the Israelites from those who would do harm, and with great irony, exalting them into the grace and favor of kings and princes in natural confederacy against them.

The story begins in Persia and Media, an empire that stretched from India to Ethiopia (1:1). It was ruled by King Ahasuerus (Xerxes I), who died in 465 B.C. The capitol city was Susa (1:2). The king was a very rich, very happy man, who happened to be throwing the party (1:4–5). First, the 180 day window of opportunity to observe the king’s wealth and glory went on display for people to see. Next, there was a seven day banquet feast hosted by the king and another one hosted by the queen. Her name was Vashti (1:9).

Queen Vashti was the beautiful jewel in King Ahasuerus’ crown. Her beauty must have been something to behold (1:11). The king summoned her to appear with her crown before all of the banquet guests on the last day of the feast. The only men King Ahasuerus would trust to issue the summons were eunuchs.

Kings in the ancient near east had absolute sovereignty in matters of state. In other words, they had free reign to do just about anything they wanted to do. In some cases, it was absolutely absolute sovereignty. It was a fearful thing to be called into the presence of someone who could have you killed with a simple command. Blessing and curse came from the same throne. The Bible leaves us without a reason as to why the beautiful Queen Vashti defied her lord, master, and sovereign king; but the Bible tells us the king’s reaction to being snubbed by one of his subjects, in the midst of a great assembly, “Then the king became very angry and his wrath burned within him (1:12).”

Her free will decision to disobey was pure contempt in the eyes of witnesses (1:17). The world was not ready for the women’s liberation movement. It was a breach of law, and it was a bad example for all of the people in the empire. A royal edict was issued. It forbade Vashti to ever again enter the presence of the king. She was cast out or her exalted position as queen in favor of another.

Queen Vashti never met the Dutch theologian Jacobus Arminius, who lived two thousand years after her, but they might have been friends. They certainly thought alike in matters of dealing with sovereign kings. Let us consider some parallels between the error of Queen Vashti and the error of Jacobus Arminius.

First, we are dealing with sovereign kings. Vashti was dealing with Xerxes I, and we are dealing with the Lord Jesus Christ, the exalted and sovereign King of glory. All authority in heaven and earth belong to King Jesus (Mt 28:18–20). He is the One who sits on the throne of God and does as He pleases (Ps 115:3; 135:6; Rev 7:17). His grace is sovereign grace. His judgments are sovereign judgments. He is highly exalted and all-powerful. The error of Arminius in this concept is to lessen God’s sovereignty. Arminius erroneously gives man free will, to do as he pleases in relationship to a sovereign God, who is King Jesus.

Second, we are dealing with summons from sovereign kings. Vashti was commanded to come into the presence of King Xerxes I (1:10–11). Vashti must have thought that the king was offering her an option to accept or deny His summons. Arminius taught that the summons for all people to repent and turn to King Jesus (Acts 17:30) was a take it or leave it offer of some kind. Vashti used her free will to decide what she wanted to do with the king’s summons, and Arminius encourages people to do the same. Summons of a sovereign are no option commands. They are not offers for one to decide according to one’s fancy at the moment, as if one were buying a car on their own terms. Arminius’ delusion of human free will is a death sentence waiting to happen, for those who believe his curtly counsel to do as one chooses.

Third, we are dealing with kings who wish to present their brides in all their beauty. King Ahasuerus may be considered, by today’s standards, a despot in some kakistocracy for his male chauvinist pig tendencies; but he serves as a type for Christ and the church. We have already noted the issues of sovereignty and summons. The church of Jesus Christ is His bride (Eph 5:25). He is a King, and we are His beloved queen. The intimacy between us is as close as one’s head to one’s body. Once she is fully ready, Christ will present the church holy and blameless (Eph 5:27), meaning beautiful in purity, to His heavenly Father, at the grand consummation of God’s story. There will be a great banquet (Mt 22; Rev 19); and the obedient ones will be clothed in white gowns of righteousness, with crowns of life, righteousness, and glory upon their heads.

My children love the movie “Princess Diaries (2001)” starring Anne Hathaway as a regular school girl in San Francisco, who is suddenly made aware of the fact that her mother had relations with a European prince back in the day. In a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, she is made aware that she is royalty by birth. This was not her decision. It was a fact, a reality, presented to her by the appearance of a heralding servant of the Queen of Genovia.

Christians do not decide to become Christians. They are made aware of their chosen status, and they respond in obedience to the royalty training (sanctification) that prepares them for their throne of judgment and reign in glory in the celestial city (somewhere beyond on Europe!). After being made aware of the royal status, and when their training is finished, they are whisked away (death) for the day of coronation and marriage in heavenly glory. The point is that peasants do not decide to be royalty. Christians do not choose to be children of the King. Like orphans, we are simply made aware of the free will decision of our Heavenly Father to adopt us into His family. With regard to Arminius, let’s just say he’s got nothing on Anne Hathaway or her theology.

Fourth, we are dealing with obedience. The query had to be made, “According to law, what is to be done with Queen Vashti, because she did not obey the command of King Ahasuerus delivered by the eunuchs (1:15)?” Queen Vashti was disobedient to come to her king. She rejected his word of summons. The vast majority of humanity follows her example.

Sovereign King Jesus has issued a summons for all to come to His banquet feast, but just as His own parable of the dinner teaches, many do not come because they are too busy for the sovereign king of the universe (Lk 14:16–24). Obedience to Jesus Christ is not an offer, nor an option. Just as Jesus always did what pleased His Father, in perfect obedience, we are commanded to obey all He has commanded. You are summoned, and you must come. It is the law of life. Arminius is like cheap car salesman in a bad suit. He sells you on all the bells and whistles and virtues of your car options. “You have options”, he tells you. That is the message straight from Satan and hell itself. No, you have a command to obey. Obey.

Fifth, we are dealing with the threat of mass insurrection. Bad company corrupts good morals. Queen Vashti became bad company when she acted in disobedience. The wise men of Persia and Media knew the ramifications of bad behavior toward the sovereign king. He would be belittled and made a mockery. When people do not deal with King Jesus on biblical terms, He becomes a byword. He and His summons are dismissed as insignificant. Man becomes the master of his own destiny. The Pelagian heresy (5th century A.D.) was modified by Arminius, and it too, was denounced by the Synod of Dort in A.D. 1618–19. Too many people love it and embrace it, unaware, even blinded to is fallacies.

Heresies have a way of dominating the Christian landscape. The history of the church is filled heretics and heresies. Much of the church’s activity is spent internally reproving and rebuking wolves in sheep’s clothing and the goats that follow them. Like an overgrown garden of weeds, the church is tarnished with prickly intruders. A few blades of healthy grass are dominated by these stronger versions of darkened greenery.

Arminian theology prospered on the coattails of the Enlightenment philosophies of the 18th century. Man-centered philosophy produces man-centered theology. “I have decided” is arrogant and prideful man boasting in his own prowess. The apostle Paul refused to go there. He insisted that one can only boast in the Lord. There is no other option. Salvation belongs to the Lord (Ps 3:8; Jon 2:9; Rev 19:1), not to man (Jn 1:12–13). To elevate any man for his work, in coming to Christ or work for Christ, in order to garner the praise of men, is blasphemy against Christ, who is the author of the Christian faith and Lord of the Christian life. Apart from Him we can do nothing. Those are absolute terms from our absolute Sovereign. Paul said, “It is not I, but Christ.”

Sixth, we are dealing with royal edicts. A royal edict is a word that goes forth to all people in the kingdom. The Word of God must go forth with Gospel warning to all people that disobedience is not an option (1:19–22). It is heralded that all people must come to King Jesus, and unless the law of consequence for not coming is proclaimed, then the full Gospel has not been preached. All subjects must be subject. The Gospel call goes out to all people as a heralded proclamation. God the Father has decreed. God the Son has obeyed. God the Spirit is authoritative and powerful to bring about compliance. God’s people are made willing on the day of His visitation. The Spirit has put the royal edict of law upon the hearts of God’s people. They delight in the Law of the Lord, which decrees that they come to Him for love and marriage (2:8–16). All who come find favor (Jn 6:37), for they have been appointed for this (Acts 13:48).

Seventh, we are dealing with separation consequences. Vashti was banished from the presence of King Ahasuerus, forever (1:19). Every day people are banished from King Jesus into their eternal prison of hellish separation. No more access to King Jesus means no blessings, no love, no light, no comfort, no grace, no hope; but only the full recognition of unending punishment. Man has never captured the agony and torment of Christ’s hell on the Cross in suitable words. It is incomprehensible to be cast out of the presence of light, life, and love. This is hell, and Jesus preached on it more than anyone else in the Bible. Arminius tells men they can decide on this for themselves. The clear biblical teaching is that men are not willing to come to King Jesus (Rom 1:18-Rom 3:20), and it is because they are unable (1 Cor 2:14), being blinded by Satan (2 Cor 4:4). Being spiritually blind, people need Jesus to give them sight (Jn 9). Being dead in their trespasses and sins, people need Jesus, to raise them to life from the dead (Jn 11).

Finally, we are dealing with replacement brides. Kings love their queens, and not the perverted kind. King Jesus will not be denied His bride (Jn 6:37). He has sent messengers out to all of the provinces of His empire in this world (Acts 1:8). Their message, “Let beautiful virgins be sought for the king (2:2).” The King says, “Come to me…” The bride of Christ is today being gathered from every nation, tribe, and tongue (Rev 5:9; 7:9). God’s betrothed are being readied for the marriage supper of the Lamb (Rev 19:9). They are wise virgins, who are ready for their princely suitor to come for them (Mt 25). They are prudent and prepared for King Jesus has sent heralds to summon them (1 Cor 1:17).

In summary, we have looked at the case of Queen Vashti in the Book of Esther. We have drawn the parallel between her obvious error and the erroneous message of Jacobus Arminius. We have learned of a sovereign King who has issued summons for us, to come into His presence. We have determined that this is not an offer but a command. Disobedience has stunning consequences and warning must be issued. Those appointed to life, as decreed by the Father and given to the Son, come in the power of the Holy Spirit and through the grace of God.

In conclusion, God is calling His people to come to Jesus Christ, our King, for salvation. All are called, but not all come. With God’s grace as the catalyst for obedience, God’s chosen people are given the Holy Spirit, who empowers them to willfully obey His command to prepare for the royal coronation. Are you ready? You do not have an option. That was Vashti’s Arminian error.

David E. Norczyk

Spokane Valley, Washington

December 20. 2020



David Norczyk
David Norczyk

Written by David Norczyk

Some random theologian out West somewhere, Christian writer, preacher

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