Some Benefits for Those Who Meditate on God’s Word
People walk through life, most oblivious to a meta-narrative that makes sense. Only when a person is introduced to the Bible does this blindness dissipate. They, of course, must believe the Bible is the Word of God. For this faith in God’s Word to be genuine, it must come from the grace of God. It is the Holy Spirit, who gives this faith as a gift (Phil 1:29).
When God sets His love upon a soul, one’s salvation is made clear to him, “Jesus Christ loves me, and He gave Himself for me (see Ps 119:41).” The result of God’s Word, and the knowledge of salvation, is trust in God’s Word being true (Ps 119:42–43).
The Word of truth, in someone’s mouth, does produce conflict with others. In a world of lies, truth is an unwelcome guest. The father of lies never appreciates the light of truth, shining in his domain of darkness (Jn 8:12, 44; Col 1:13).
It is now in the heart of the regenerate, to not only believe God’s Word, but she will be inclined to study it, too. The Word is life to those made alive in Christ (Jn 6:63; Eph 2:5; Col 2:13). It is food for the hungry soul. Nothing satisfies a longing, thirsty spirit like the water of the Word.
If God’s Word invites conflict with the world, it also provides opportunity to faithful ambassadors for Christ, “I will also speak Thy testimonies before kings (Ps 119:46).” It is for the slave of Christ to never be ashamed of the Gospel of God (Ps 119:46; Rom 1:16–17). As a personal, eye-witness to the wisdom and power of God (1 Cor 1:24), those who meditate on the Bible have an answer for all who reproach (Ps 119:42).
God’s ordinances powerfully strengthens the saint in faith and in the good fight. When the scoffers seek to tear down the follower of Christ, it is a joy for her to give an apt reply of the hope within. This is the testimony of liberty (Ps 119:45).
The Law of God, when the Spirit causes one to walk in obedience (Ezek 36:27), is liberation from slavery to sin (Jn 8:34; Rom 6:6, 16–20). It is a delight to know one has right standing with God. This is an imputed righteousness, exclusively found in those who have the indwelling Spirit (Jn 14:17; Rom 8:9, 11; 1 Cor 3:16; Gal 4:6; 2 Tim 1:14; Jas 4:5).
When the life-giving Spirit works in one’s soul, the mind of Christ and the heart for the things of God prevail. The Spirit guides the child of God into all truth (Jn 16:13). God’s Law is truth. The freed captive is joy-filled (Ps 119:47). There is no shame in the testimony (Ps 119:46), bearing witness of Christ Jesus, the Lover of one’s soul. His honor and reputation causes the redeemed to boast in Him, in song and sermon (1 Cor 1:31).
Love for God’s Law is a witness and testimony for one to examine himself. The ambition of the Christian is to please God (Heb 11:6). Knowing one’s flesh is weak and obedience is often elusive, faith in Christ increases. When we are weak, He is strong.
Love for God’s Word is evidenced in meditation upon it (Ps 119:48). Christians take in the holy Scriptures, as they take in daily bread. We eat when we are hungry. Knowing hunger will return, it is wise to have regular spiritual feasts planned throughout each day.
Humans are drawn to love. It is the devil’s place to fabricate fake love. This often presents itself in sexual intimacy. The Law of God prescribes safe boundaries for God’s people to avoid wandering into dangerous liaisons. Meditating on God’s precepts will serve to strengthen the beloved when temptation visits.
This, of course, is true for every idolatry’s allure. Gluttony is satiated by one’s feasting on bread from heaven. A slanderous tongue is kept in check, by the Word of God filling one’s mouth. The temptation to sloth is spurred by the active, double-edged sword that inspires one to labor as unto the Lord.
All the benefits derived from God’s Word are beyond the scope of this brief reflection on Psalm 119:41–48. We have seen how true love is stimulated (119:48). Joy is produced (119:47). Opportunities for ministry are enhanced (119:46). Liberty, on the path of righteousness, is secured (119:45). Long-term commitment is deepened (119:44). Communication is purer and more effective (119:43). Testimony and witness are more effectual (119:42). Salvation has blessed assurance (119:41).
All of these good gifts come to those who lift their hands, heart, and voices (119:48), to the One who is pleased to reveal Himself, to those who diligently seek Him (Heb 11:6). We must press on in this means of grace, coming to us as Words of light, life, truth, and revival.
May God be gracious to those who meditate on holy Writ, and may His blessing be on them, with increased exposure to His eternal Word. May we all realize the best worldview is the one from heaven. Setting our eyes upon Jesus, who is found in the whole counsel of God’s Word, from Genesis to Revelation, may He give us eyes to see His glory, for His glory’s sake. Finally, may we be filled again and again with His goodness. The goodness we see in this special revelation given to us.
David Norczyk
Spokane Valley, Washington
June 27, 2022