Thank God for His Wrath
As I meditated on Romans 1 this week, I thought about two things: first, how rare it has been for my ears to have heard men speak of the wrath of God; second, how rare it is for people to give thanks to God. When these two ideas are fused together, it produces an even more rare concept: gratitude for God’s wrath.
The Bible teaches Christians to give thanks in everything (1 Thess 5:18). Everything, by definition, includes God’s wrath. According to Romans 1:18, God’s wrath may be one of the most common things in our human experience. It is revealed, and its target is all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men. What could be more common than that? When one considers the scope of this action, we should all be speaking, rather frequently, of the wrath of God.
If it is true that our God is a God of wrath, then what is hindering this conversation among people? The answer is also found in Romans 1:18. The very object of God’s wrath, ungodly people, are indicted by God’s Word, with suppressing the truth (Rom 1:18).
Approaching an idolater, even a homosexual (staying with the theme in Romans 1:18–32), and asking, “Friend, why do you hate God?” Almost assuredly, he or she would reply, “Why, I don’t hate God.” Not only has he exposed himself as a liar, but one who is now suppressing the truth.
God’s Word is true (2 Sam 7:28; 119:160; Rom 3:4). God has told us the truth about Himself and about ourselves. Every man is a liar, not just homosexuals. This is why it is so crucial for preachers and teachers of God’s Word to know the truth (1 Tim 2:4), and then to speak truth (Eph 4:15). Many do not do this faithfully because of the consequences. Jesus was the truth in human flesh (Jn 1:14; 14:6), and He was despised and rejected of men (Is 53:3). Thus, the invitation, “Come, follow me,” has serious ramifications (Mt 16:24).
The light of God’s truth has come into the world. It has even come to people, the Jews, who had already been given more light than any other group. They did not comprehend the Light of the world (Jn 1:1–5), Jesus Christ (Jn 8:12), and the more He illumined reality, their evil deeds were exposed (Jn 3:19). He said, “I know you, that you have no love for God in your hearts (Jn 5:42).” He also said, “But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me (Jn 8:45).” He told them the truth, and they increasingly wanted to kill Him for it.
Because God is just, that is, He rightly sentences criminal law breakers, He should be feared. It should be the first priority in every human heart to answer the question, “What must I do to get right with God?” The Bible teaches that no unregenerate man has that question in his heart…none…not even one (Rom 3:10–12). Why are men not terrified of God’s judgment? We already have looked at the answer: they suppress the truth in their unrighteousness.
One might be happy to hear that God is slow to anger and slow to wrath, but that may be as bad for a man as, “Be still and know that I am God (Ps 46:10).” Because God moves slowly, people forget God. They say, “Where is the promise of His coming (2 Pet 3:4)?” Nothing changes, it has always been this way from the beginning (Eccl 1:9). Everything has been ordered for men to fear God, but they do not fear God for these reasons.
Men deny they are at enmity with God, but God tells the truth of this fact (Eph 2:15–16). Men deny they are without God in the world, even claiming, “God loves me,” when there is no obedience of faith in them. They know nothing of the Holy Spirit (Jn 14:17; Rom 8:9), and they have no interest in the Word of God, the Bible, even denying it is the Word of God, yet, having never read it.
It is a peculiar thing for one to give thanks to God for His wrath, but we should do this because His wrath teaches us to fear God. It also teaches us that He is just in His judgments. This is a comfort because a God who has variability would be terrifying. Everything God does is right and that does not change because He does not change (Heb 13:8).
Even when God poured out His wrath upon His only begotten Son, He was operating in holy righteousness. Those for whom Christ Jesus propitiated sin realize the eternal significance of His action on our behalf. Jesus Christ died in our place, as an object of God’s wrath, the Just for the unjust (1 Pet 3:18). Holy wrath was unleashed upon God’s holy Son, who was made to be sin for us (2 Cor 5:21).
God’s wrath tells us that God is serious about sin. God’s wrath is His hatred for sin and sinners (Ps 5:5; 7:11; 11:5), put into action. He is slow in this action from our perspective, but His wrath is perfectly timed in His providence. There is a perfect execution of wrath, in perfect accord with justice.
As we have noted, this punishment by God serves many purposes. If God did not reveal these things to us, men would be blind-sided by eternal punishment. As it is, the continuous revelation of God’s wrath should be met with much gratitude. In showing us His wrath, He has been merciful, with warning after warning. He has also highlighted His mercy, like a diamond against the black cloth of His wrath. Thank God for showing us both.
David Norczyk
Spokane Valley, Washington
November 26, 2021