The Benefits of Affliction
How do you know you are a child of God? How do you know you are truly saved? One of the formidable tests to know for sure is the test of affliction. The outcome of problems, even tribulations in the world, becomes a benefit to the true Christian.
It is good for the saint to be afflicted because it proves his true identity. Trouble in the world does visit everyone. Both sinners and saints will have trouble in the world. The key to discerning one’s identity, however, is her response to the difficulties she faces in life.
The unbeliever is tested with adversity, and it drives him further from Christ. His problems deepen his hatred and bitterness toward God. His heart is hardened by His negative experiences. Apart from Christ, he can do nothing to spiritually benefit from His troubles.
The believer does not enjoy the experience of trouble, but she has spiritually benefited. Trials have left her with no confidence in the flesh. Her trust in man, to be a help on the day of trouble, has passed. She will even forgo self-confidence to bring about a resolution. Her trust is in the Lord, who will accomplish what concerns her (Ps 57:2; 138:8). Her trust is not yet perfected, however. She is growing in grace and knowledge regarding God’s plan for her sanctification.
Understanding how affliction aids the suffering servant of Christ is crucial for one to make sense of his life. When one is positioned to wait on the Lord for deliverance, patience is being formed. This is God’s providence at work. For the one who calls upon the name of the Lord and walks by the Spirit (Gal 5:16, 25), there is also much grace. This, the unbeliever does not have from God.
As God works all things together for good, for those who love Him, and who are called to Himself for His purposes (Rom 8:28), He is working His will (1 Thess 4:3). Sanctification is known to come with chastening, for God chastens those He loves (Heb 12:4–11). This is what trials and tribulations become in the wisdom and power of God.
God directs the steps of His pilgrim people in the world. He ordains the instruments of affliction. They accomplish His purpose according to all His holy will (Eph 1:11; 3:11). Jesus Christ was a man of sorrows who suffered purposefully in the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God (Acts 2:23; Eph 3:11). The disciples all suffered in diverse manners, suffering for His name and suffering for the sake of the elect (2 Tim 2:10), joining in the afflictions of Christ’s body, the church (Col 1:24).
Do you think it strange that Christians suffer the same or even worse than their unbelieving neighbors? Why are God’s adopted children encouraged to count their afflictions with joy (Jas 1:3)? Christians are even encouraged to exult in their tribulations (Rom 5:3). This is God’s work zone.
We must remember that joy and patience are fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22). God has poured out His love in the hearts of His adopted children (Rom 5:5). He has promised to never leave them nor forsake them (Heb 13:5). Christians have an anchor for their soul (Heb 6:19). It is the hope of glory to be revealed to us (Rom 8:18), a token of which dwells in us (Col 1:27). We exult in this hope (Rom 5:2) because we have been given promises in God’s Word. We have been given the faith to believe His promises (Phil 1:29). It has been granted to us to believe…and to suffer.
Hope grows stronger with each situation or season of trouble. Hope is a witness to God’s faithfulness. Thus, God’s chosen people are not survivors, nor Stoics. We are more than conquerors (Rom 8:37; 1 Jn 5:4), by faith in the One who claimed, “I have overcome the world (Jn 16:33).”
There is much to learn about God’s ordained, sanctified scheme for suffering. There is nothing, on any given day, that is not from God, who works all things according to the counsel of His will. In the world you will have trouble, and such has been appointed for you.
Hope in Christ abounds. Problems come along in various ways. Invariably, trials slow us down. Will you pray or stay away? This is your test, and for the beloved of God, it is a test to prove you. Will you wait for Him to deliver you? or Will you find solace in Hagar, the witch of Endor, the King of Egypt, or in the idols you have positioned in your life?
With each trial patiently endured, perseverance grows and hope again abounds. These are the benefits of your affliction. You do not need to wallow or waste away. Christian, although your body may do so, you are being renewed daily on the inside (2 Cor 4:16). Your God is mighty to save on His terms, decreed and in His perfect time. He is able to chasten you and strengthen at the same time. You are being fitted for heaven.
Rejoice, and again I say rejoice, in Him whose grace is sufficient for you, on the way of thorns and in the vineyard of sour grapes. It is the Lord. He has done this thing. It is magnificent in our sight; and we exult in the hope of glory. Let us boast in the understanding of God’s sovereign grace for our suffering and sanctification en route to glory. He knows the plans He has for us…and they are good.
David Norczyk
Spokane Valley, Washington
April 30, 2022