The Bold Witness

David Norczyk
4 min readJul 2, 2023


Paul and his mission team were emboldened by the grace of God as they endured resistance to their Gospel message. This was the promise of Jesus to His disciples — that they would become His witnesses when the Holy Spirit came upon them with power (Acts 1:8).

It is the wisdom of God and the power of God that assures each preacher that his labor is not in vain in the Lord (1 Cor 1:24; 15:10, 58). Failure is the charge of cynics, who only count numbers of attendees and the amount of money collected from those people. God promises the faithful preacher that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God unto salvation for those who believe (Rom 1:16–17). Thus, the effort of the Gospel preacher is a work of faith, a labor of love carried out with steadfast hope.

False prophets in the Old Testament were followed by false teachers in the New Testament. False purveyors of religions are motivated by sex, money, popularity, and power. These men and women are typically articulate, physically attractive, and highly persuasive.

The character of the messenger’s mission must be scrutinized. Sound character produces results of a different kind. Apostolic missionary teams suffered again and again. They demonstrated the resilient spirit by preaching again after persecution from Jews, Gentiles, and even unbelieving church members.

Suffering hardship in the ministry while pressing on in love and good works, is a sure sign of God’s sufficient grace in the life and ministry of His slave (Eph 6:6). The fool for Christ cannot abandon his calling to proclaim Christ. He presses on toward the mark of the high calling to boast in Christ, regardless of the consequences.

Paul and Silas were unjustly treated at Philippi (Acts 16), but to anyone’s surprise they traveled 92 miles west on Via Egnatia to preach again at Thessalonica. They did so with great boldness. This is a demonstration of the Christian preacher’s love for his listeners. No matter the kind and severity of resistance the herald suffers, he knows his role in the expanding kingdom of God in enemy territory (the world).

Putting no confidence in the flesh, the man of God preaches Christ and Him crucified (1 Cor 1:23; 2:2). He trusts the Holy Spirit and the Word of God to have their good effect on the elect remnant of God’s people called out from among Jews and Gentiles. Paul wrote to Timothy stating that he endured all things for the sake of the elect (2 Tim 2:10). His noble actions complemented his life-giving words.

Teachers and preachers of God’s Word are subject to stricter judgment than other Christians because of the stewardship entrusted to them by the Lord. They must be tested to determine whether they are man pleasers or God pleasers. Men of God, approved by God, sent by God, should never question the trials they must face in every location. Elders and evangelists must be examined and they should examine themselves, too (Rom 14:18; 2 Cor 13:7; 1 Tim 3:10).

It is the sentiment of the true Gospel preacher that he was set apart for this task long before he even sensed the calling to join in the sufferings of Christ and to follow Him all of his days. God’s approval comes with God’s employment. The called man is the one who speaks where others will not…for fear of man.

God commissions the preacher to go to the place, to the people, and to the circumstances appointed for him to fulfill his calling. Paul insisted that his ambition was to please God (2 Cor 5:9). Love for God is the primary motive for ministry of the Bible. Love for others is the secondary motive. The preacher is to speak the truth in love.

Some listeners return love and gratitude for the faithful man with beautiful feet. Others play their part in rejecting the message and resisting the minister. Man’s approval or disapproval is nothing when God is the just Judge of the heart.

The inner workings of a man cannot be seen by one’s audience. God, however, has seen all thoughts, words, and actions in the past; and He is intimately working His discipline within each messenger, today. Those who diligently seek God and His righteousness will not be disappointed with His reward. Man is fickle with his praise and approval; but God is precise.

The Gospel is not according to man (Gal 1:11). Therefore, many people hinder its advance due to their enmity with God. The Lord has ordered the Gospel to be preached to all people everywhere…and amid great conflict. The false gurus of religions are accompanied by heretics and apostates within Christianity. Their mission is to distract and deceive people from embracing the Bible. Sadly, wolves in sheep’s clothing occupy many pulpits intended for God’s men.

Pulpit or no pulpit, “We have a Gospel to proclaim” is the unwavering cry of the suffering steward of Good News. This man is unmoved by having to shake the dust off in one place, as God has already prepared for him the next place…to be the bold witness.

David Norczyk

Spokane Valley, Washington

July 2, 2023



David Norczyk
David Norczyk

Written by David Norczyk

Some random theologian out West somewhere, Christian writer, preacher

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