The Characteristics of the Kingdom of God
2 min readMar 17, 2022
- God is King.
- Christ is King.
- Christ is God, who is King of kings.
- The kingdom of God is the kingdom of Christ, the Messiah.
- There is one kingdom of God.
- The kingdom of God is where the rule and reign of Christ is present. Jesus Christ is King of the universe.
- Christ, personally, introduced the kingdom of God on earth at His first advent.
- The kingdom of God is the church of Jesus Christ.
- Christ is King of the church, a sovereign, holy nation.
- The kingdom of God is spiritual, that is, in the Spirit.
- The kingdom of Christ is the anti-type of Old Testament Israel, especially in the era of the kings.
- The kingdom of God is eternal.
- The “keys to the kingdom” is the preaching of Christ and Him crucified.
- The kingdom of God is ever expanding, gathering in the elect people of God from every nation, tribe and tongue in every generation.
- Christians are those who receive the kingdom of Christ, by receiving the Spirit of Christ, thereby, becoming citizens of an alien nation in this world.
- God’s elect people are born as children of wrath, before the Holy Spirit transfers them from the kingdom of the world of darkness, and into the kingdom of God’s beloved Son.
- God decrees to give His elect, His own kingdom, as an inheritance bequeathed at the death of King Jesus, and bestowed at the indwelling of His life-giving Spirit.
- To see and enter the kingdom of God, one must be born again of the Spirit (Jn 3; 1 Pet 1:3).
- The kingdom of God will be perfected on the day of King Jesus’ second advent.
- The kingdom of God originates in heaven, thus it is also called, “the kingdom of heaven.”
- Christ is the Messiah, the son of David, therefore, the kingdom of God, which is the kingdom of Christ, is the Messianic kingdom.
- The main benefit of the kingdom is the forgiveness of sins, but it also comes with righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom 14:17). God’s elect, redeemed, and regenerated people have right standing before God the Father, being in God the Son.
- Because the kingdom is spiritual, the warfare engaged in by God’s Spirit is not carnal terror nor force. King Jesus emphasized this fact before Pontius Pilate.
- Because the kingdom of God is spiritual, the blessings of the kingdom are not money, power, nor material gains.
- The Gospel of the kingdom is to be preached to all nations, and then the end will come.
David Norczyk
Spokane Valley, Washington
March 17, 2022