The Continuity of Israel and the Church
There is one God, and there is one people of God. God has established one covenant to assure His relationship with His chosen ones for all eternity.
As God revealed more and more of His covenant to His people, His purpose was to reveal Himself to us. He showed Adam that He is the Creator and giver of life. Later, Adam learned how God is a promise giver (Gen 3:15). Noah discovered the wrath of God, outside the covenant, and the salvation of being in right relationship with God (Gen 6–9).
In the days of Abraham, the covenant was revealed to be unconditional, and it was related to family (Gen 12). The family of believers, included in the covenant, would always be identified with this man of faith (Rom 4). Because faith is a product of God’s grace, it would forever be connected with election. God’s chosen people are believers in the one true God, who revealed His name to Moses. Yahweh is the exalted name, who is the great I am.
Moses was made privy to the nature of the covenant, including Law. God issued His Law to His people that they might discern His holiness and their plight of sin. Because the covenant does not change, neither does the Law. The place of the Law, given to the Israelites, was on tables of stone. Following the work of Christ, the Law was written on believing hearts of flesh (Ezek 36:26). God causes His people to walk in His statutes (Ezek 36:27).
It was David who learned of the kingdom, as he served as a type of Christ the King (2 Sam 7). The kingdom of God is seen and entered by those granted the new birth (Jn 3). They enter the covenant as they enter the kingdom. They enter the covenant the same way Abraham did (remember, he was asleep!)…by God’s grace.
A covenant sign was given to Israel from the time of Abraham (circumcision), and it was updated following Christ’s crucifixion (Col 2:11–12). Jesus Christ fulfilled all of the types and prophecies from the Old Testament. He Himself is the Israel of God (Is 49:3), and His people take His name. He Himself is the covenant, for He is God with us (Emmanuel). His blood of the covenant has atoned for the sins of His people (Mt 1:21).
Today, His people are called, “Christians,” but the people of God have always had the name, “Israel” (Is 49:6). This is why the apostle Paul refers to the church as the, “Israel of God” (Gal 6:16), and why he argues that not all Jews are Israel (Rom 9:6).
The continuity of Israel and the church is not in name only. It has always been the people who share the faith of Abraham, who have been the true circumcision (Rom 2:28–29; Phil 3:2–3). These are the ones who have the circumcision of the heart, which was cut by the Spirit, applying the Word of God. Spiritual circumcision, performed by the Holy Spirit, is God applying the covenant sign. The Holy Spirit baptizes the elect soul, who is identified as the true circumcision.
The baptized believer is a child of God, by adoption, when baptized with the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:47; 1 Cor 12:13). The application of circumcision on the eighth day, or the baptism of an infant child of believing parents, demonstrates the utterly passive nature of grace unto salvation. God alone saves us, with no condition nor work of righteousness by us (Titus 3:5).
The single covenant of grace shows us the continuity between Israel and the church. There is only one people of God, blessed to be in the one covenant of God, by grace alone. There is only one covenant, progressively revealed from Adam to Christ. The new covenant is not new and different; but rather, it is newly revealed — a better revelation, therefore, a better covenant.
Christ is the better mediator than Moses because He has offered a better sacrifice that grants a better hope of a better country, that is, a heavenly one. This promised land was typified by Canaan’s conquest, and we follow our triumphant victor, Jesus Christ, who has crossed Jordan to prepare a glorious home, for the church, His body and His bride, the Israel of God.
David Norczyk
Spokane Valley, Washington
October 16, 2021