The Judgment Against Ungodly Sinners

David Norczyk
4 min readJul 22, 2024


It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God (Heb 10:31). Our God is holy, righteous, and just. When He judges sinners, His judgment is just. Will the righteous Judge of the whole earth do right (Gen 18:25)? Yes, He executes judgment with equity in every case. Thus, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction (Prv 1:7).

People often lament about how things have gotten worse. The faithful reader of the Bible knows that there is no new thing under the sun (Eccl 1:9). Even Jesus prophesied that on the last day of this earth people will be getting married (Mt 24:37–39). All things will continue as they are and have been up until now.

The judgment day is called many things in the Bible; but regardless of the name ascribed to that day, the fact remains that it is coming on a day known only to God (Mt 24:36). The wrath of God is coming to the earth and will be executed by Him who has been given the authority and the right to judge the living and the dead (Jn 5:22).

All people who were ever conceived in their mother’s womb must appear at the judgment seat of Christ; who sits on the great white throne of judgment (2 Cor 5:10; Rev 20:11). Everyone must give an account to the all-knowing God who is always everywhere present. All things will be revealed; and every sin will be accounted for before the court.

Jude, the brother of James and half-brother of Jesus, wrote his epistle to warn the beloved about the intrusion of ungodly sinners into Christ’s church. These wretched people, devoid of the Holy Spirit (Jude 19), only wish to serve themselves and gain some advantage at the expense of the fellowship. Their presence at the potluck luncheon should not be a surprise.

Jude quoted Enoch, who prophesied as far back as seven generations removed from Adam that the ungodly would infiltrate the company of the righteous ones. It was a problem throughout the history of Israel; and it remains a problem in the church, today. The prophecy warns the ungodly that their judgment and eternal punishment are guaranteed.

The faithful and true Gospel preacher must preach, the warning of God’s pending judgment against unrepentant sinners. The ungodly deeds, done in an ungodly way warrant an arrest to the rebellion against God. Jude highlights the quest for sex, money, and power by these intrepid interlopers. They follow their lusts in every licentious way.

In addition, the words uttered by these men only exacerbate the damage they do to cause division. In their hatred for God (Rom 1:30), for Christ (Jn 7:7), and for God’s chosen people (Jn 15:18–25). They grumble and murmur against God and His sovereign will and work.

Christians must remember that the gathering of God’s people is a work of the Holy Spirit within them. It is the Spirit who configures and convenes each local assembly. One of God’s graces to His chosen people is to give them a place of membership in the body of Christ. Who has any right to find fault with what God is doing? It is not our place to judge God.

The contentious spirit of the worldly-minded is nothing more than ungodly lusts put on display. When doctrine and practice are distorted by these men, they may lead many to fall away from Christ. They delight in deceiving people back into the ways of the world.

With their speech, the ungodly subtly call God a liar by denying the Bible and what it says. It is because in their wicked evil hearts they hate God, while pretending to love Him. They mock God, the God of the Bible (Ps 2), while they construct another god after their own image and likeness.

Enoch warned the godly about the ungodly. He warned the ungodly they would be judged. The prophets and the apostles did, too (Jude 17). We must heed the warning about the man-centered heretics. We must guard against them by preaching the truth about them. We should know them by their fruit. It is either sour; or it is non-existent.

Christians are not to be disturbed by the presence or even the removal of the ungodly. It should be a comfort when the man of God preaches the revelation of God’s judgment from God’s Word. Righteousness exalts the one holy nation of royal priests chosen by God (1 Pet 2:9). The people rejoice because our Lord reigns in righteousness.

The means of grace have been given to those called and kept by God. Thus, we celebrate the sacraments and pray against the enemies of Christ’s church. We read and we preach the Bible to chase away the troublers of Israel. We sing Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs of victory, which irritates those who do not have the indwelling Spirit.

My dear reader, do not be alarmed at the seeming harshness of the doctrine of judgment. When sinners receive what they deserve, it is justice. Sinners are far worse than we could ever think or imagine. Like angels of light who slip into the fellowship of believers, they must be exposed for their true identity and perversities.

Preach the Word and you will expose the imposters. Therefore, your pastor asks you to pray for his boldness in speech and writings that he may unashamedly proclaim the Gospel of salvation, alongside the reality of God’s just judgment against ungodly sinners.

David Norczyk

Spokane Valley, Washington

July 21, 2024

Jude 14–19



David Norczyk
David Norczyk

Written by David Norczyk

Some random theologian out West somewhere, Christian writer, preacher

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