The Monstrous Regiment of Deceivers in the Church
The elect of God must be ever vigilant to heed the warnings of Scripture to be on guard against deceivers. As we approach the end of the age, this trouble for the church will grow from bad to worse.
The enemy of God’s people, Satan, poses as an angel of light (2 Cor 11:14), but he prowls around like a lion, ready to devour who he may encounter unawares (1 Pet 5:8). He is operational, with his legion of demons, although restrained by the Holy Spirit. His craft is to deceive, for he is a liar (Jn 8:44). He steals, kills, and destroys (Jn 10:10). He is depicted, in the Bible, as a great dragon (Rev 12).
One strategy employed by our adversary is to send wolves into the church (Mt 7:15; Acts 20:29). Wolves are cunning animals with an insatiable bloodthirst for a repast. They will devour their prey in isolation or in packs. They have an innate sense for finding weakness and exploiting opportunity. They are subtle hunters. They are not furry pets that have simply been misdirected. They are not to be dealt with lightly.
The church is an extremely vulnerable environment, if the Great Shepherd of the sheep is not near. The Holy Spirit, wielding the rod of the Word is our protection. The church is engaged in a ferocious battle, a cosmic conflict come to earth. Lions and wolves have easy victory over defenseless sheep. Christian, be warned and be alert. Draw near to God and keep your eyes on Jesus (Heb 12:2; Jas 4:8).
The approach of the deceivers — according to Jesus, they are many — is to come into the church, in Jesus’ name (Mt 24:5). In other words, they will exercise authority in the church. Christians must be very alert to those who want to be leaders. The church has one Leader, who is Christ (Mt 23:10). Human leaders lust for followers. They love to count sheep and boast in numbers. They make church into a rivalry game, and then vie for fame and fortune (Eccl 4:4).
With mega-ambitions, wolves pose as teachers with special knowledge (gnostic history), or with a special “anointing.” Their claim, whether explicit or implicit, is their unique access to God. They present themselves as modern prophets, even calling themselves, “apostles.” They feed their followers with humanism. Preying on the weak lusts of “spiritual” people, they teach the doctrine of demons, under the guidance of alien spirits (1 Tim 4:1).
The human potential movement, and its positivism, began in the Garden of Eden (Gen 3:5). The two-fold endeavor of the serpent was to tempt man to trust in himself, and not to trust God, his Maker and Sustainer. The lust for knowledge was used for enticement. Nothing has changed for humanity. The godless, secular education system is purposeful in educating, that is, to cause pupils to learn to trust in themselves, and in the system of man (the world system).
The overt operations of secularism are complemented by the covert subterfuge within the church. Whereas secularism convinces man to just do it himself (trust in man), the subtle undermining of God’s person and work, is the devil’s persnickety interest for the church (do not trust God nor His Word).
Lusting for power, man is entranced with the drama of external religion. Lusting for money, a noteworthy competing deity in Scripture, the false prophet will peddle his or her false teaching for profit. The convergence of human potential doctrines, with prosperity, is almost normative for American churches, today.
Christians are easily led astray because the charlatan gives them what they lust for in the flesh. Undisciplined, carnal Christianity, which is not really Christianity, presents itself as the church, claiming, “We are the body of Christ.” Their “leader” is a Messiah-figure, showing great signs and wonders, with an exciting show, at the popular convention. Charles Spurgeon once preached, “That very church which the world likes best is sure to be that which God abhors.”
The monstrous regiment of women pastors (John Knox’s famous lament at the number of ruling queens in Europe), is in blatant disregard for the clear teaching of Scripture. One can almost hear the forked tongue, say, “Did God say women are to be quiet in church? Did God say women shouldn’t teach?” Yes, in fact He did (1 Tim 2:9–15).
Charismatic leaders, desiring voluminous numbers of followers, is nothing new. True prophets of God are antithetical to popularity with the people. That rude guy in your Sunday school class, who incessantly corrects the teacher may just be the prophet in the room. Only those who love God and love the truth of God’s Word would ever sit under such a truth-teller’s teaching. The teacher of God’s Word must be tested for sound doctrine…not church growth prowess (1 Tim 3:6).
Wielding the sword of the Spirit, the true teacher is a warrior against principalities and powers (Eph 6:12, 17). He pierces the darkness with the light of Christ. He exposes evil deception, and those who pose as Christ figures (Eph 5:11; 2 Cor 11:3–5). The spiritual warfare, to champion truth that is in Christ Jesus, is a blessed work of the indwelling Holy Spirit (Jn 14:17; 16:13; Rom 8:9, 11). The famous duels of Old Testament prophets of God against false prophets should not be relegated to history. You, my friend, are in the same war zone, today.
Therefore, brethren, be on guard against the machinations of Romanism; against the Pentecostalism of Montanus; against the deity denying doctrines of Arius and his modern followers, the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Be on guard against the “God is love only,” deceivers, and those inclined to the ecumenicalism of the interfaith movement. Raise the shield of faith against the man-centered theology of Pelagius and Arminius, so dominant in Evangelical churches, today. You, yes, you must take heed that no man or woman deceive you. Christ Jesus, our Lord, has commanded it (Mt 24:4–5).
David Norczyk
Spokane Valley, Washington
November 29, 2021