The Pathetic Use of Professional Titles by Christian Clergy

David Norczyk
4 min readDec 16, 2020


Inspiration to write an article is a mystery. Some days, I stare at a blank sheet of notebook paper for hours. Other days, I see a theological error on social media. Sometimes, I am reading Scripture, and I see something I have read before, but I see it differently than before. The world, in all of its sins, is a reliable source for theological content, if not condemnation. The church, in its disobedience, requires attention, too.

Today, I was blessed by a Facebook friend, who was tagged by another friend, with some dispute about Joe Biden’s wife, Jill Biden. Apparently, she is a doctor of some kind. As the presumed, next, first lady of the White House, some have suggested she drop her professional title. The argument is that she may be upstaging her husband — a life-long politician, with criminal queries abounding, and quite a bit of mental effluvium.

This petty disputation seems rather trite, considering more important issues related to the incoming President-elect. Still, Leftists nit-pick on the most ludicrous topics. The protagonist in this “tag” is clergy, a “Reverend Doctor LaCreta Rutledge Clark, PhD.” Her argument is that Dr. Jill Biden should use her title because “Reverend Doctor LaCreta Rutledge Clark, PhD,” says that she herself would use her title.

The pride of sinful flesh is absolutely wretched. The wrath of God is pointed directly at man’s ungodliness and unrighteousness (Rom 1:18). Pride is leading people to destruction and a cataclysmic fall into the pit of fiery hell (Mt 25:46, Jude 7). So, in light of that terrifying truth, one asks, “What is your professional title?” The obvious reason for the inquiry is so one can judge one’s neighbor, as higher or lower on the name marquee, atop the Tower of Babel (Gen 11).

The world uses professional titles for better or worse. “Doctor” may be that person who cured your cancer, with a proper regimen of treatments. “Doctor” may also be the title of the person, who just crushed your baby’s skull with forceps, before ripping the child out of your womb, and selling its body parts for a profit. Titles do not necessarily reflect character, morals, or ethics.

What is the character of a woman, who defiantly disobeys the Bible, God’s Holy Word, in 1 Timothy 2:9–15, while insisting people call her, “Reverend Doctor.” First, it is pathetic. I mean that sardonically, but I also mean it in the true definition of the word. Liberal Christianity paved the way for women into the ranks of clergy. This has opened the door for women to dominate Liberal mainline denominations.

In open defiance to God and disobedience to His Word, female clergy are very often Lesbians and most assuredly, Feminists. Liberal seminaries, feigning love for God, and propagating the false teaching of universal love and acceptance of all people, must be made aware this is not the God of the Bible. Too many synagogues of Satan are run by Jezebels in America, today. By the way, that is not my opinion, it is a warning to the churches in Revelation 2–3.

Dismissing Reverend Doctor LaCreta, we broaden the scope of our exposition to all ministers of the Word and their use of professional titles. If the world readily uses professional titles for identification, they also use them for garnering respect. Stretching further, a person with a title makes a name for himself or herself by elevated position or merit, and the result is reverence by others. Is this God’s will for you, Pastor? Is this how God wants you to be viewed by others?

The first time I ever heard the Anglican (Church of England) title, “The Very Right Reverend John Doe,” I could not stop laughing. The arrogance of disobedient sinners, even clergy who should know better, was too much for me. This led to my first encounter, at a conference in London, with someone being introduced with such a pompous entitlement. I could not believe the titled man did not giggle, at how obnoxious his pretension was, in being paraded as someone important, before such a foggy cloud of witnesses.

The Apostle Paul knew his true title was, “Chief of sinners.” His other true title, “Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ,” was the one that created so much trouble for him. The church of Jesus Christ is a gathering of silly sheep, in a world of clever wolves. Why would any Christian model himself after the world? Not even the charlatan false apostles, false prophets, and false teachers of the Pentecostal movement waste their time with titles, while they fleece people of their money.

Do you need affirmation, today, Doctor Clergy? Yes, you are a totally depraved sinner. Yes, you will soon die because of your sins. Yes, you will be judged for your sin of pride, along with that ocean of sins you harbor, in addition to that notorious one. Yes, eternal punishment in the lake of fire is your sentence, Pastor Doctor, if you have not received Jesus Christ, the only Savior of sinners.

If you were saved, Most Wretched Reverend, you would have long ago, dropped the professional title, unbecoming of one who truly knows and understands the Scriptures. For if you understood the Scriptures, you would never parade around drawing attention to your name or your title. Rather, you would boast in Jesus Christ, exclusively. You would warn unrepentant sinners, especially clergy, of the tormenting hell they will soon pay for eternity in the lake of fire (Rev 20:14–15). You would herald a salvation by God’s mercy and grace, alone, and you would deny yourself the applause and approval of man. “Repent, Reverend Doctor,” and again I say, “Repent!”

David Norczyk

Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

December 16, 2020



David Norczyk
David Norczyk

Written by David Norczyk

Some random theologian out West somewhere, Christian writer, preacher

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