The Priority of Truth in the Church

David Norczyk
4 min readAug 20, 2022


Awhile back, I decided to watch a couple of Disney television programs with my daughter. The two programs: Andi-Mack and Descendants 3, were both oriented for early teen viewers. When the two middle school boys began holding hands, I realized Disney was pushing the progressive sexual promiscuity agenda. This was confirmed with the over-sexualized second program that also promoted the occult. We are looking at the rise of evil in the media age, and the battle for the mind of our children is at stake.

Viewing these programs allowed me to have a conversation with my daughter about sin and evil. In reflection, I realized how rare it is to read about such doctrines from Christian authors. If Disney has ventured deeper into the dominion of Satan, then, where is the church?

My love for the Bible helps assure me there is nothing new under the sun (Eccl 1:9). The ebb and flow of doctrinal promotions in the church, through the ages, reminds me that we live in our own unique time of battle with sin, Satan, and the world. Fighting the world, and the marketing of sin, is not the agenda of the “God loves everybody” crowd. The church that loves the world will be no help in the battle against the world.

When the church normalizes sinful behavior, as in the case of: divorce; remarriage; sex outside of heterosexual marriage; gluttony; etc., it’s because it desires to be popular with as many people as possible. The church growth movement has dumbed-down Christian orthodoxy, in order to market a socially-acceptable Jesus.

Adoring and worshipping the wrong Jesus, even with the best singers and band in town, is idolatry. To criticize the prosperous ventures of today’s “church” makes the critic look bad (Christian Positivism is also a heresy). Calling out women pastor/preachers, as “sinners” (1 Cor 14:34–35; 1 Tim 2:9–15), is sure to win no favor. Once a person or group deviate from the straight way, it is very difficult to return to the truth.

With the culture’s influence on the church, leading to biblical illiteracy or erroneous interpretation, the Christian is ill-equipped to stand for truth. If truth is not championed, then the alternative is a lie or pack of lies. The erosion of one doctrine after another, eventually leads to a non-recognizable entity with “church” in the name…unless that has also been removed.

The multiplied travesty of a degraded church member is a local church filled with them, lacking much biblical integrity. When a local church has succumbed to a heretical position, it will merely convert pagans into heretics. There is a spiraling down where both member and body feed each other with corruption. It is a vicious cycle.

The reverse is true, too. When a church member steps up to champion right doctrine and practice, it can have a reforming effect on a local body of believers. Each Christian must pray that the Holy Spirit will fill him or her to be one who is growing in grace and the knowledge of the truth. Too often, the reformer is driven out of the local church and must either find a new assembly or start a new one.

God’s Word is truth (Ps 119:160; Jn 17:17), and it is the Spirit of truth, who guides the saints into all truth (Jn 16:13). What the Bible says about something or someone is called “doctrine.” True doctrine is derived from right interpretation of the Bible. Therefore, we must first study our Bibles, to see what the Scriptures say. Then, we must do theology in community, with interpreters, past and present. Heretics are found in all eras of history, including this one. Therefore, we must desire truth, first.

It is the Christian, who is serving, to make Christ Jesus known. He must remember how important it is to get his doctrine correct. It should be our priority. How many have awakened to better doctrine, only to realize their years of promoting mistruth and half-truth (which is no truth)? We must know what we believe and why we believe it. This includes all doctrines. What then is missing from our sermons, conversations, and writings?

If the Christian preacher or writer is avoiding doctrines, such as: election/reprobation; justification by faith, alone; sanctification by the Spirit and Word, alone; heaven/hell; etc., then there are elements that could deceive others. The false teacher and negligent unbeliever do not care whether they are misleading others. The children of God, walking in truth, do care.

Christian, it is imperative to your Christian life of discipleship, to learn Christ and to learn Him, well. The clarity and veracity of your ministry is essential. Know the truth, live the truth, and tell the truth are your priority.

David Norczyk

Spokane Valley, Washington

August 20, 2022



David Norczyk
David Norczyk

Written by David Norczyk

Some random theologian out West somewhere, Christian writer, preacher

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