The Son of God: Superior to the Angels

David Norczyk
5 min readApr 5, 2024


Angels are ministers of Almighty God (Mt 4:11; Mk 1:13; Heb 1:7). They were created by God to serve Him and serve those who inherit salvation (Heb 1:14). God is Spirit (Jn 4:24); and angels are ministering spirits. There is a fixed number of angels; for these spirits do not reproduce, nor does God create new ones along the way.

In the pre-cosmic rebellion and fall of the angels, one-third of the angels followed Lucifer, who led them in his coup d’etat against their Creator. The Bible calls these opposition spirits “devils” and “demons.” There is no salvation for these reprobate spirits. In fact, God created hell especially for them (Mt 25:41).

Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, was enfleshed, having been sent by the Father into the world (Jn 1:14; 3:16). His mission was to save His people from their sins (Mt 1:21). Humanity, bearers of the image of God (Gen 1:27), joined the rebellion under the temptation of Lucifer in the guise of the serpent (Gen 3).

In taking on flesh, the Son of God became human, like us yet without sin (Heb 4:15). For a time, He emptied Himself of the glories of His heavenly position and was found beneath angels among men (Phil 2:5–11).

The writer of Hebrews opened his epistle/sermon to his Jewish Christian audience with seven affirmations of the Son’s superior identity and work (1:2–3). From creation, through redemption, and on to consummation, Jesus Christ warrants our worship. With our Lord still unnamed in Hebrews 1:4–14, the writer moves his argument along with the Son of God being superior to the created angels (Heb 1:4–2:18)

In this section of Scripture (1:4–14), the author presents seven Old Testament passages. They speak of Jesus Christ in relationship to God the Father; His relationship to the angels; and to His divine nature. Two rhetorical questions serve as bookends for the case of Jesus better than the angels, “For which of angels did God ever say…” and “To which of the angels did God ever say…” The expected reply is negative.

The theme of God speaking to His Son and to the angels is carried over from the exordium (1:1–3). Five quotes from the psalter, one from Torah, and one from an historical book and uttered by God all point to God presenting His beloved Son. The contextual venue is the heavenly world, more specifically the coronation, into which the triumphant Son has ascended and been enthroned. As the firstborn (Gk. protokos), Jesus has primacy (Heb 1:6).

According to Moses (Dt 32:43), the God-man, Jesus Christ glorified, warrants the worship of angels. The perfect Son has successfully completed His earthly mission (Jn 19:30). The prophets foretold of His first advent; and the writer of Hebrews uses their inspired words as evidence in his exhortation for his readers to join in worship. If the angels worship Jesus, the Son of God, so should men.

Our sovereign God has created all things to serve Him. Our Lord’s providential governance over all things, includes the animated spirits and the inanimate physical universe. The angels serve the righteous King of glory seated on His throne (Ps 24; Is 6). God has exalted His Son, the Messiah, whose nature is eternal, unchanging. He, too, is God (Ps 45:6–7) with none beside Him.

It is an error for men to worship angels when angels worship King Jesus. It is also God’s prohibition for men to worship the creature rather than the Creator (Rom 1:25). Jesus Christ is the Creator, who laid the foundations of the earth, in addition, to the heavens above (Ps 102:25; Col 1:16; Heb 1:2). This physical, created universe is temporal. It changes and has an end date set by the Creator (Heb 1:11–12).

In contrast, the Creator, Jesus Christ is eternal. He ever lives and His throne is forever and ever (Ps 47:8). He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb 13:8). Our God reigns over all; and His wisdom and power in doing so is unrivaled (Rev 19:6).

The usurper, who has set himself in opposition to Christ, is self-deceived. As the father of lies, his deceptions make him infamous (Jn 8:44). Having been disarmed at the cross, his ruse continues against the sons of Adam. He is an impostor waiting to be exposed. Christ Jesus sits on His eternal throne in sovereign power (Rev 5:13; 7:9–10, 17; 22:1, 3) Satan does not sit there, nor will he ever sit there in the future.

It is the Gospel of Jesus Christ that exposes the enemies of God (Jn 7:7; 15:18–25; Rom 1:30); therefore, we proclaim Him (Col 1:28), whose name is above every other name (Eph 1:21; Phil 2:9; Heb 1:4). Reprobate demons and reprobate men loathe the Gospel of God. They work to suppress the truth (Rom 1:20). They labor to draw attention away from Christ Jesus. Behind every idol of men is a demon inspiring false worship (Rev 9:20). Christ is better.

It is the task of the man of God to study to show himself approved by God as a steward of the mystery now revealed (2 Tim 2:15). Jesus Christ is the mystery revealed (Rom 16:25; Col 2:2; 4:3). He is Himself the final revelation of God to humanity. He is proclaimed for the purpose of being believed (1 Tim 3:16). We believe; therefore, the speak of His excellencies (1 Pet 2:9).

As we have learned of His exalted Sonship (Ps 2:7; 2 Sam 7:14; Heb 1:5), we have also learned of His relationship with the angels who worship Him (Dt 32:43; Heb 1:6). They serve Him because He made them “flames of fire” (Ps 104:4; Heb 1:7). As our sovereign Lord, He also sends His angels to minister to those who will inherit salvation (1:14).

The heirs of salvation, in union with Christ, our God and Savior, are co-heirs with Him (Rom 8:17; Heb 6:17; Jas 2:5), who is seated in the heavenlies (Eph 2:6). There, in the true tabernacle of God is our eternal inheritance, reserved for God’s elect, redeemed, regenerated saints who eagerly wait for His second coming to earth (Mt 25; 1 Pet 1:4; Rev 22).

As citizens of heaven (Phil 3:20), a far better country than our current location, we serve the living God, today, as ambassadors for Christ (2 Cor 5:20), who has given us His Spirit as a gift of His grace (Acts 2:38; 10:45; Eph 2:8–9). It is the indwelling Holy Spirit who renews our focus, daily, by directing our minds toward heaven above (Rom 8:9, 11; 2 Cor 4:16; Col 3:2). The Christian’s faith in Christ is increased by the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (Lk 17:10; 2 Pet 3:18).

The writer of Hebrews was the recipient of the inspired, inerrant, infallible, authoritative Word of God, received from the same Spirit who beforehand inspired the prophets, including Moses and David (2 Tim 3:16; 2 Pet 1:20–21). All of them were pointing to Jesus Christ, the Israel and Messiah of God. It is Christ who remains the focus of God’s chosen people, today (Heb 12:2).

Therefore, let us look far above the angels to Him who is superior to them and who is worshiped and glorified. God has spoken through the prophets and through His Son that by hearing the Word of Christ we might believe in Him (Rom 10:17). We believe in Christ because of the Spirit of Christ, with whom we have been baptized (Mt 3:11; Lk 3:16), and by whom we are also baptized into Christ’s body, His church, the Israel of God to whom we belong now and forever (1 Cor 3:23; 12:13).

David Norczyk

Spokane Valley, Washington

April 5, 2024

Hebrews 1:4–14



David Norczyk
David Norczyk

Written by David Norczyk

Some random theologian out West somewhere, Christian writer, preacher

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