Thy Word, O God
The Word of God is powerful in creation and redemption because, forever, God’s Word is settled in the heavens. It is eternal.
The Word of God is the Word of truth, and it is apprehended by faith. Faith is not a blind leap, but an appropriation of revealed truth. God is true, and His Word is truth. It is the Spirit of truth who affirms the true Word. The Spirit employs the Word to comfort, help teach, guide, and lead believers. He also convicts them of sin, while reproving, rebuking, and exhorting.
The Word of God is pure, and it washes the saint, who is eager to be clean in God’s presence. It revives the child of God, sullied by the world.
The Word of God is light, which opens the eyes of the spiritually blind, so they might see and believe. It is a lamp for the sojourner en route to heaven, so he might walk in the light.
It is the Word of God that opens the ears of the spiritually deaf. With opened ears. the voice of Christ is known and loved.
The Word of God is the Sword of the Spirit, who does battle with deceitful demons. At stake is the mind, and truth wars against lies that blind the mind (2 Cor 4:4).
The Word of God is sharp to judge, not only actions, but also every intention of the heart (Heb 4:12). It is the very standard by which we are judged. To not believe the Word of truth is to judge God to be a liar, which was the original sin of Adam and Eve.
The Word of God is to be promiscuously preached to all people (Mk 16:15). It is to be proclaimed in the marketplace (Acts 17). It is unashamedly explained to princes and rulers (Acts 26). It is to be taught to Christ’s church, as its regular diet of spiritual food from our Father (Acts 2, 4). It is to be the occupation of teaching elders (Acts 6:4), appointed by the Holy Spirit (Acts 20:28).
The Word of God is active when it is employed by the faithful. It is powerful in training up a child in the way he should go (Prv 22:6). It should ever be before the children of covenant parents (Deut 4:10, 6:2, 6–7). It cannot fail (Rom 9:6), because it never returns void (Is 55:11).
The Word of God reveals the mind of Christ (1 Cor 2:16). It proves the motive of God’s heart, which is: love for His elect, from every nation (Rev 5:9). It also reveals the will of God, which is the sanctification of His elect (1 Thess 4:3). In this, the Word of God brings glory to God, from those who worship in Spirit and truth (Jn 4:23).
The Word of God is living (Heb 4:12). Jesus Christ is the Word (Jn 1:1). He is the Word (logos), who became flesh and dwelt among us (Jn 1:14). Death could not hold the Living Word captive in the tomb. As with Lazarus, simple words, “Come forth,” the Word displays its will and almighty ability.
The Word of God reveals the Way, and there are few that find it. Still, the Word is wisdom and even the simple can understand it.
The Word shouts from the rooftops, and those who heed its warnings, turn back from the wide way that leads to destruction. The Word is the knife that circumcises the heart of God’s people. It is the wonder-working power to open the heart where a transplant from stone to flesh is ordered. The Word of God is the seed of faith that finds good soil. It is the river of living water that quenches one’s spiritual thirst. It is the truth that sets free the captive to lies. It is the light, ever-dispersing the darkness. It is the indestructible life that makes promises and keeps them.
When you rise up, feed yourself and your children on this daily manna from heaven, for the Word of God is your portion. Rejoice and give thanks.
David Norczyk
Spokane Valley, Washington
November 8, 2021