Understanding Ascension and Pentecost
In the Christian holy day tradition, two days appear as post-Resurrection Day commemorations. They are linked to Resurrection Day (Easter) by the number of days following this pinnacle event remembered each Spring. They are often overlooked and can be misunderstood; therefore, let us consider both Ascension and Pentecost.
The ascension of Jesus Christ transpired 40 days following His resurrection from the dead. Pentecost at Jerusalem, as recorded in chapter 2 of Acts of the Apostles, occurred 50 days following Jesus’ resurrection.
A king ascends to his throne; and that is what the King of glory did on that day in which He was caught up in the shekinah cloud atop the Mount of Olives at Bethany (Luke 24:50–51; Acts 1:9). Jesus returned to the glory He had set aside in His condescension (incarnation) and humiliation (Philippians 2:5–11). His atonement work on earth was finished; but His work in heaven resumed.
Jesus’ investiture service, His coronation, positioned Him at the right hand of Majesty, the right hand of God the Father, as the exalted King/Priest, as prophesied in Psalm 110, by King David some 1,000 years prior to Messiah’s ascension to glory. All authority in heaven and on earth were entrusted to King Jesus (Matthew 28:18).
From the throne of God in heaven, God the Father and God the Son sent God the Holy Spirit to Jesus’ disciples at Jerusalem, as foretold by Jesus Himself (John 14:17, 26; 15:26). This happened on the Day of Pentecost (Shavuot), when the Holy Spirit came upon Christ’s church, assembled with the Apostle Peter as the primary preacher (Acts 2).
The heavenly session of Jesus, on His priestly throne, includes His intercession for His people (Hebrews 7:25). Christians pray to God the Father (Yahweh), in the Holy Spirit (sent in a special way at Pentecost), and in the name of Jesus Christ (ascended King of glory).
Each year, the calendar in Christian homes is filled with special days to remember significant events in the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. In May 2024, we remember the ascension into heaven of the God-man; and we remember His sending of the Holy Spirit into the world.
Feast and festival days are celebrated as days to remember all our Lord has done for us in overcoming all that is wrong in the world. By these, our faith and hope are renewed.
David Norczyk
Spokane Valley, Washington
April 10, 2024