What is Actually Going On?
Philosophers attempt to explain the meaning of our existence. Psychologists attempt to explain why we do what we do in this existence. Sociologists attempt to explain what we are doing in groups. The priests of religion attempt to explain the spiritual realities we all experience; although some deny God because they make their money telling people that we are simply evolved biological creatures. It is the task of the Christian theologian to explain the Bible’s explanation of what is actually going on. Let me explain.
First, the only true God, Maker of heaven and earth, Creator of everything, is eternal. The eternal God made man in His image, male and female, He created them. He judged them to be very good, as He set Adam and Eve in the garden paradise of Eden. A previous creation interacted with Eve; and this is where and when it all went wrong for humanity and for creation itself.
Second, sin entered the creation with the pre-cosmic fall of Lucifer and his rebellious angelic spirits. Through deceit, Satan wrested dominion of the earth from man. The devil enslaved man in the state of rebellion against God. This was the beginning of this present evil age, the domain of darkness, where the ruler of this world blinds the minds of his human subjects, from seeing the light of God, who is Himself…Light (1 Jn 1:5).
Third, when man disobeyed God in unbelief, God did not abandon some people, whom He had chosen for salvation before the foundation of the world. In fact, God began re-introducing Himself to humanity through the line of the righteous: Abel; Seth; Noah; Abraham; etc. The line of the righteous ones would eventually have the name “Israel.”
Fourth, God especially revealed Himself to those He had always intended to save from the consequences of sin, which are death, judgment, and eternal punishment in the fiery hell of the lake of fire. Despite being called by God to repent of their sin and rebellion, most of humanity does not heed the call. Rather, they die in their trespasses and sin.
Fifth, in contradistinction, the few of humanity who are saved from the righteous wrath of God against sinners, do turn away from sin, Satan, and this world system that refuses to submit to the One who sits on the throne of God, today.
Sixth, there is a man who sits on the throne of God in heaven, now and forever. This man is hated by those who persist in rebellion against God. He is worshiped and adored by the few who heed the call of God to listen, confess, and bear witness of Him, who is seated, enthroned, and truly reigning over all creation.
The name of this controversial King over all is the Lord Jesus Christ, the holy One of Israel. He is what is going on! If we were to equate our existence, our reality to a story that should be told. Jesus is the Hero, the protagonist of the story.
The eternal purpose of the one true God is to bring glory to Himself. Everything that God has decreed to come to pass is for His glory, and in His sovereign power He ensures it does take place. Hence, dear reader, you are part of God’s story, you will play your part whether you are an evil despot and murderer of millions, or you are a humble penitent who calls upon the name of the Lord and is saved.
Why is Jesus Christ what is actually going on? God sent His only begotten Son, the eternal Son of God, into the world to be divinely conceived by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mary.
The eternal Spirit of the second Person of the Triune Godhead took on flesh to become like us yet without sin. Jesus is the God-man conceived without sin, who lived perfectly without sin and who died without sin.
Jesus Messiah lived a perfect sinless life in perfect obedience to the Law of God. He fulfilled the righteous requirement of God to be in the presence of Almighty God, in good stead by His own merit. This is exactly what none of the rest of sinful humanity could do. Moreover, Jesus’ work included taking the entire load of sins from God’s chosen people from around the world and throughout all of history (including the future) upon Himself at the cross of Calvary where He was crucified, bled, and died — a substitutionary sacrifice, as the Lamb of God who came into the world to save His people from their sins.
Instead of joining the rest of humanity in eternal hell, God’s redeemed people were released from our sins by Jesus’ precious blood, which justifies the ungodly who receive Him as Savior and Lord, by His grace. When Jesus was resurrected from the dead, witnessed by some 500 of His followers, He returned to His Father in heaven (Yahweh). There, Jesus was enthroned as the King of kings on the throne of David and of God, to rule and reign with all authority over heaven and earth.
What is actually going on since His ascension and enthronement is the gathering in of God’s elect, redeemed, regenerated, believing people from every nation, tribe, and tongue into Christ’s body of people, His church, the Israel of God. When the last of those whom the Father gave to the Son before the world was, is added to the Temple of God, as a living stone, the end will come.
The King of glory is coming again to judge the earth and its inhabitants who will all be raised from the dead — whether to judgment or to life depending on whether one received the Holy Spirit sent from the Father and the Son, to make us alive to God, for the purpose of serving and worshiping the Trinity, forever.
Everything else is merely the back story of God’s glorious salvation of His remnant people, who will receive glorified bodies to be conjoined with glorified souls on the day of Jesus’ second coming. That day, known only to God, will be the final separation of saints and sinners.
The eternal homes of these two groups are generally called, “heaven” and “hell”. Heaven is actually a new creation, a new heaven and earth where righteousness dwells without sin, or sinners, or a devil to tempt people. Joy, peace, prosperity, security, love, longevity will belong to the citizens of the city of God, New Jerusalem. That is actually what will be going on in that day called “eternity.”
May God grant you a place in heaven if that is His will and good pleasure for you. You will know this has been determined if He begins to manifest it for you, by bringing His story to front of the stage. It will literally become your life. Then, you will know this is what is actually going on.
David Norczyk
Spokane Valley, Washington
January 7, 2025