Who Can Deliver You from the Cult You Think is Christianity?
One warning of the Bible is that many false teachers have gone out into the world. These are the promulgators of the doctrine of demons. They are empowered by devil spirits, who work to thwart the advance of the kingdom of God.
By influence, even possession, these demons persuade the unregenerate into open rebellion against the Word of God and the Spirit of God. A more insidious tactic is for the demon to pose as an angel of light. In this case, the demon has charge over the false teacher, who advances false doctrine and practices that appeal to the flesh of men.
Assemblies of people are called for the purpose of whipping them up into an experiential frenzy, and then assuring them they have met with Jesus. The false shepherd does not want these people to know the truth, but he does want them to give their money to him or her (Ezek 34).
The god of this world, who is the father of lies (Jn 8:44; 2 Cor 4:4), blinds the minds of those who walk in and who love the darkness of deceit. Invariably, he convinces his children that they have a special knowledge that others are not privy to (Gnosticism). The deceiving leader will assure the assembly that he or she has a new or special revelation from God.
“God spoke to me” is a common opening statement. This strategy prevents anyone questioning “the prophet.” At a certain stage, the false prophet will declare himself an “apostle.” The lust for power over people is satanic, and the fruit is always money in the deceiver’s pocket. Sexual impropriety is closely associated, as a second fruit on this poisonous tree.
The mind and the heart are the seat of the soul. Controlling emotions and beliefs, the false teacher has power over the deceived followers, who love and defend the wicked wolves in sheep’s clothing. The deception is great. Its scope supersedes the true church, especially through electronic media. The prince of the power of the air waves is at work spreading lies on a magnanimous scale.
There are false religions in the world, and there are demonic cults within the sphere of Christianity. It is important to note the robust zeal of cults. Their motives (sex, money, power) are easily attained with spiritual lies that appeal to the dead souls of fallen people.
Being delivered from an ecstatic cult is never a show that looks like the cult itself delivers, as a regular diet. Rather, deliverance is actually the salvation that belongs to the Lord. There are no angel feathers or gold dust falling from the church rafters. No one is drunk in the spirit or any other circus stunts.
Truth is the deliverer for the deceived. It comes as Light exposing the darkness, and it rescues those who belong to the Lord (1 Cor 3:23), who are lost. The Lord knows those who are His (2 Tim 2:19). When the Spirit of the Lord is sent to baptize one into the church, He does so without fail.
The Spirit of the Lord does not showboat in the spotlight in a darkened room. He fills the man of God with the knowledge of Christ from the Scriptures. Be warned, however, Satan brought twisted Scripture in his wilderness temptation of Jesus (Mt 4; Lk 4). Angels of light, posing as true prophets, will often know the Scriptures by memory, just as the devil did with Jesus.
The Scriptures, properly presented, are sufficient, and of course, necessary. The Christian must first be a reader of the Bible, and then he must be taught by approved workmen (2 Tim 2:15). All theology is learned in community, and God has prepared and positioned those He has called, to be teachers of the Word.
It is imperative that a balance of power exists within the local church, where the preacher/teacher is accountable to the congregation, who trust the elders to oversee doctrine and practice.
God will find His elect, redeemed remnant people in the Christian cults or other religions. He will use means, to deliver them from the powerful, demonic influence of false prophets, apostles, and teachers.
Friend, you must examine your place of worship. You must examine your doctrine believed. You must listen to those who criticize your tradition of denominational teaching. If anyone comes along with something “new,” then be encouraged to study the historical theology of the second century A.D. Rarely does a “new” cult movement deviate from one of the many heresies of the early church.
Christian, it is vital for you to pray for discernment and wisdom from your Teacher, the Holy Spirit. Many capable exegetes and expositors have gone before you. Gatherings of church fathers have produced wonderful documents explaining biblical doctrine. These have been tested with time and through diverse assaults by the enemy. The Council of Nicaea and Chalcedon, along the confessions following the Reformation (Augsburg, Belgic, and Westminster), are helpful guides to the inspired, inerrant, infallible text of the Bible.
God has sent His Word to His people, and by it, these have been as the Bereans, judging the validity of a preacher/teacher and his doctrine/practice taught. May God deliver you from your cult, if necessary, and may you know the truth that sets you free (Jn 8:32).
David Norczyk
Spokane Valley, Washington
December 17, 2022