Why Christianity is the Most Offensive Religion in the World
Christianity is, by far, the most offensive religion in the world.
This, of course, is only true when it is properly presented.
When its professors dilute or derange the message, Christianity presents no offense to sinners in the world. “God loves everyone” packs no punch whatsoever. “Christ died for everyone” has zero torque at all. This limp twisted version of the faith is very popular in the world, however. Why wouldn’t it be?
The world tolerates a universalistic Christianity. As long as the warm fuzzies are for everyone, and on the day of judgment, everyone gets a trophy…we’re good. Positivism is permissible, but anything suggestive of negativism is immediately red flagged by the world and the worldly church.
Why does true Christianity appear so negative to people? Answer: Particularism. When any hint of exclusivism appears, the natives get restless. This is why the Israelites killed their own prophets and their Messiah. It is the very reason so few pastors, today, will preach anything other than universalism in some form and to some degree.
When a preacher’s conscience is conflicted because he may have read his Bible, the natural outcome is his removing the onerous of salvation from God (who seems way too particular anyway) and places this weighty burden on the people. This way he does not have to be a pure universalist, only a partial one.
This clever ruse by many pastors keeps them comfortable in their positions and pacifies the goats of their flocks. By convincing the people to be like gods (Gen 3:5), sovereign in their decision to judge for themselves, Christ’s work, as worthy or not worthy, they assure themselves of two things. First, they are not pure universalists. Second, they reason to themselves that they have been faithful to God by preaching Christ and making men responsible. At the end of the day, they imagine they have no bloodguilt (Ezek 3 & 33), and everyone goes home happy. The world yawns.
In contrast: true Christianity, where everything is exclusive and particular. It rattles the world and scares the hell into partial-universalists. Here is the rub…
God the Father chooses some souls to be saved (Mt 22:14; Eph 1:4–5), while Christ died for this particular group (Rom 5:8; Eph 1:7; 5:25), and the Holy Spirit only applies salvation to this same group (1 Cor 12:13).
Oh boy! Katy bar the door! The world goes nuts, and the partial-universalist starts to back-peddle in cringing shame. “My God wouldn’t send anyone to hell! He graciously lets them choose hell themselves!” (Blah!)
True Christianity charges all men with full responsibility for their sins, but it ascribes full responsibility for salvation to God alone (Ps 3:8; Jon 2:9; Rev 19:1).
The world hates God so this version of Christianity is a gross offense because it isn’t fair in their estimation (Rom 1:30).
The universalist hates the Bible, so he prefers the god of his own making to the God of the Bible. This restores the love affair between the church and the world.
The partial-universalist is ashamed of the God of the Bible, so he reconfigures him into a judicial Santa Claus, “He’s good and jolly…but you’re naughty, so you better accept his Christmas gift or you’ll be sorry!”
Damnation becomes a poor choice of the stupid…instead of the eternal will and decree of a sovereign Creator.
“Why? Why? Why? Is this election and reprobation idea true and in the Bible,” laments the pseudo-believer. Answer: Why don’t you ask Him on the day of judgment?…if you get a chance.
Conclusion: Christianity, truly presented, should be very offensive to sinners, especially to those who have the notion of reconfiguring God and saving themselves. As for me and my house, we will rejoice that eternal salvation was His decision, not ours…because we would have surely chosen wrong.
David Norczyk
Missoula, Montana
February 5, 2022