Why Does the Bible Have Such a Low View of Humanity?
Man is filled with pride, and the Bible is filled with truth. God is true, and the Bible is God’s holy Word. Pride is a sin. It is man puffing himself up with arrogance, while he denies the glory of God.
Humanity is blinded from the truth of the state it lives in. It is the demon spirit, Satan, who has set up his evil domain upon the earth, making himself out to be the god of this world (2 Cor 4:4). Satan works to keep man in the dark about his status, blinding his mind, setting it on the flesh, which is death (Rom 8:5–6).
God made man upright (Eccl 7:29), for His creation was very good (Gen 1:31). Man is a fallen creature, however, and philosophy, religion, and psychology fail to explain the plight of man. The necessity for understanding comes from only one source: the Bible.
The Bible explains how man ruined himself (Gen 3). It holds man responsible for his perverse use of free will, granted to him by his Creator.
Adam has poisoned his progeny (Rom 5:12–21). Sure, we live as animals; we are moved by emotions; and we have our being as spirit (intelligence and will). Like our cars: the luster has faded, dents abound, wear and tear have taken their toll, the gauges work only half of the time, and it is obvious that we are out of alignment for safe travel on the straight and narrow way.
Adam lost holiness, the image of God, when he opted for sin. His disobedience to the rule of God was an ugly display of unbelief. Innocence, as well as paradise, was lost. Although he had the position of sinlessness, Adam was susceptible to the fall, and rebellion against God was his choice. Having made such a devastating decision has ever more removed choice from him. Satan has enslaved man in his dominion of sin (Acts 26:18; Rom 6:6).
God made man from the dust of the earth to show him what he is really made of. Man’s position and attitude before God should be utter humility. Thus, the pride of man is a noxious stench in the nostrils of God.
Man is utterly dependent on God, and yet, this man of dust denies God with his evolutionary theories. The body of man is sick with disease. His eyes are filled with lust for the creature. His mind imagines glory and honor for himself. Clearly, God took his spirit from Adam. Man is a buffoon, in light of the glory of heaven. He operates as a jackass and then prances like a peacock.
Communication from heaven was severed, and with it, went knowledge and wisdom from God. Man communed with demons and like a child in the woods, raised by wolves, man is crafty in the way of his deviant father and evil brethren. The day of evil finds men active in their pursuit of wickedness. They revel in ever degrading passion, and they give hearty approval to those who share their reprobate minds and evil deeds.
Those whom God has turned over to reprobate minds may be aware of God’s law and just judgment against their egregious behavior (Rom 1:18–32), but are they aware there is no turning back from their debauchery? They are condemned already (Jn 3:18). The homosexual, the idolater, and the inventor of evil have begun their descent into hell. The idolater, in reprobation, finds no peace in her graven images, which will be used to stoke the eternal fire of her torment.
The reason the Bible has such a low view of humanity is because Scripture alone possesses the true view of mankind (Gen 6:5; Jer 17:9; Ps 51:5; Is 64:6; Rom 1:18–32; 3:10–12, 23; 6:23). Fortunately, the Bible also has the true view of the God/man, Jesus Christ. He is the federal head of a new race of humanity (Rom 5:12–21), having redeemed a people for His own possession (Eph 1:7; Titus 2:14; 1 Pet 2:9), and who is restoring them to holiness (Rom 15:16; 1 Thess 5:23; 2 Thess 2:13; 1 Pet 1:2), while preparing them for unimaginable glory (Rom 8:30; Rev 21–22). If we are to be people of truth, we must share the Bible’s low view of humanity and exalted view of Jesus Christ. He is exalted. We are not. For this reason, He is our only hope (Col 1:27).
David Norczyk
Spokane Valley, Washington
November 9, 2021