Why False Teachers Do Not Want Your Scrutiny
False teachers call their critics, “cynics.” The reason is that they do not wish for their ministries to be exposed for the charlatan enterprises they are in reality. Some even boast in giving no response to those who call them out on false doctrine and unbiblical practices.
Sadly, most Christians avoid the conflict between true and false teachers. When a false prophet is exposed for his evil practices or unsound doctrines, he retorts with ad hominem arguments against his opponents. Attacking the character of a Christian preacher, who has used the spirit of discernment, is a necessary part of the false teaching ministry. Somebody’s livelihood is on the line.
The only way for Christians to know, whether the true or the false teacher is correct, is to engage in the battle themselves. This obviously means they must pick up the sword of the Spirit themselves (Eph 6:17). One option for the Gospel preacher is to say nothing about the sinister work of the false preacher, but every Christian is called to expose evil (Eph 5:11). The Spirit of truth, indwelling the man of God, will not long tolerate blasphemy against Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ, directly or indirectly, is the object of defamation in false ministries. Remember, the false pastor is posing as a representative of Jesus Christ. This is what troubles Christ’s sheep, while alluring many goats. The false minister is a wolf in shepherd’s clothing.
The ways of clever deception are numerous. Ultimately, the work is to deceive people into man-centered theology. This means that the deceiver entices his flock into becoming like gods, controlling their own destiny. It begins with the enticement to save themselves by their own free will choice.
An initial flaw in one’s theology has a tendency to bring distortion to much of the rest of her theology. Using modern-day church gurus as an example, one must only listen to the guru’s sales pitch for his expensive product, that sort of guarantees greater attendance figures for “your” church. Whoever invented church marketing in the first place? Is not the Holy Spirit able to find God’s elect and ensure they hear the preaching of the Gospel?
The issue is that false teachers want to be “game changers” who are sure they can change the world. This has absolutely nothing to do with the Gospel of God saving His people from their sins (Mt 1:21).
False preachers prey on the flesh of men. They study psychology to know why people do what they do as animals behave. They study philosophy to learn how to put man at the center of the universe. They promote themselves as, “a leader of leaders.” They speak of God, but when you listen to their false messages, it is clear that they have put their eager consumers on the throne. This is both popular and lucrative.
All of this is reminiscent of Satan leading Adam and Eve to their respective thrones in the world. Like demonic slave masters, they give their followers tasks to do. They talk down to them from their places of elevation, posing as each congregant’s cheerleading, life coach.
Christian, the so-called cynic of American Christianity is your best friend. He will never win a popularity contest in the world, nor in the church. He is often a solitary figure, a voice crying in the wilderness. He fights like Elijah atop Mount Carmel. His passion is sound doctrine because He knows this is grace upon grace from God, especially, when someone believes his report. There is nothing glamorous, nor romantic about this man of God. He is simply burdened with the lies of the adversary and the deficient flow of honor and glory to Jesus Christ.
May God grant you the desire to learn the Scriptures and to pursue them as a hart for living water. May you suffer your passion for the truth, despite the sufferings that will come as a result. May you stand with the faithful, in exposing the evil machinations of wicked men in the world and in the pulpit.
David Norczyk
Spokane Valley, Washington
January 19, 2022