Why I am (Sooooo) Looking Forward to the Day of God’s Judgment Against the World

David Norczyk
4 min readDec 20, 2022


As a political conservative, I admire the labors of small business owners, to simply make a living. When lawless terrorists enter a city and destroy the work of other people’s hands, it infuriates me.

Satan is a destroyer (1 Cor 10:10), and the children of the devil do his bidding (1 Jn 3:10). Their war is against God and against His anointed (Ps 2). If God has established His good and holy Law, then it is a work of the adversary and his minions to be lawless (1 Jn 3:4).

God has ordained civil servants, especially the police, to be His ministers (Rom 13). The current criminal assault on the police, by Marxist government office holders and their terror groups on the city streets, is subterfuge against Almighty God.

The godless are fools, with their declared (Ps 14:1; 53:1) and practical atheism (the Democrat party removed God from their party platform in A.D. 2012). Their quest is the same as their father (Jn 8:44), the god of this world (2 Cor 4:4). They try to usurp the throne of Jesus Christ (Rev 7:17), the Ruler of the kings of the earth (Rev 1:5).

Godless legislators lead the masses of people, in undermining the Law of God, by enacting statutes in direct defiance to the Law of God. When the Democrat party championed slavery, it was in opposition to Christ, who came to set the captives free (Lk 4:18). When the Democrat party espoused racial segregation, it was in contempt of Christ, in whom there is unity. When the Democrat party contended for abortion, it was in confrontation to God, who is knitting together every child, in his or her mother’s womb (Ps 139:13–16).

The Democrat push to normalize homosexuality is in direct opposition to the clear teaching of the Holy Bible (Gen 19:15; Lev 18:22; 20:13; Judges 19:22; Rom 1:26–27; 1 Cor 6:9; Jude 7; 1 Tim 1:9–10; 2 Pet 2:6). Calling evil “good” — and calling good “evil” — the Democrats work tirelessly to criminalize those who hold the biblical position against guilty sinners. They call Bible preaching “hate speech.”

Today’s Democrat party has begun to push the normalizing of pedophilia. As with most grievous sin legislation, it begins in California. It will spread to other Democrat controlled states, after Californians show the rest of us how natural it is for adults to have sex, even sodomize children.

The Democrat political party has occupied the wrong side of history, throughout history. It was shrewd in taking control of the American public education system. When this godless group secured power, the first thing they did was to remove the Bible from public school curriculum. Then, they removed Christian prayers by teachers, who were key intercessors for the benefit of their students. Now they are re-writing American history.

With education and government policy in their control, their bully tactics have begun to dominate the corporate world, too. Large public corporations, with massive resources of wealth, have submitted themselves to every whim of godlessness. To avoid the dreaded boycott of their products and services, corporations simply jump on the band wagon of whatever social and cultural cause is projected upon them. It is good business to avoid unfavorable publicity, at any cost.

The Democrat Party — comprised of Muslims, Jews, Latinos, Blacks, unions, street terrorists, politicians, privileged white elitists, educators, and now corporations — is united in raising and shaking their fist to heaven. Their common enemy under the Democrat umbrella is God Himself. They provoke, provoke, provoke until He turns them over to destroy their own cities. This they gladly do, while claiming to be victims of the very people they are oppressing.

My friend, there is an end to all the chaos of the godless. The Bible calls it the Day of the Lord and the Day of Judgment. This is the day in which Jesus Christ, the King of glory, returns to judge the living and the dead (Acts 10:42; 2 Tim 4:1; 1 Pet 4:5). He will raise from the dead, everyone who ever opposed God (Jn 5:28–29). He will sit on His great white throne (Rev 20:11), upon His judgment seat (2 Cor 5:10), to judge the nations (Ps 110:6). Everyone will appear before Him, and He will separate humanity into two distinct groups: the righteous to His right and the unrighteous to His left (Mt 25:32).

Those who have broken the holy Law of God, will be sentenced to an eternity of just punishment (Mt 25:46; Jude 7), in the lake of fire (Rev 20:14–15). Their opportunities to sin, even more, will be gone, for they have entered the second death.

There will be no more unrighteous legislation. There will be no more stealing, killing, and destroying, but only weeping and gnashing of teeth, in the fiery torment of outer darkness (Mt 8:12; 22:13; 25:30), where worms do not die and thirst is never quenched (Is 66:24; Mk 9:44).

Is it morbid for the child of God to anticipate, even pray for judgment’s soon coming? Not at all, for the glorious appearing of Judge Jesus Christ will be in perfect justice. All that is wrong will be re-made right. This is the coming of a new creation, a new heavens and a new earth (Is 65:17; 66:22; Rev 21–22), where righteousness dwells (2 Pet 3:13).

The hope of every Spirit-indwelt Christian is this future glory, when the lawlessness of sinners, who hate and oppose God, will be no more. Thus, we plead in earnest as we pray, “Come, Lord Jesus…Come (Rev 22:17)!”

David Norczyk

Spokane Valley, Washington

December 20, 2022



David Norczyk
David Norczyk

Written by David Norczyk

Some random theologian out West somewhere, Christian writer, preacher

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