Why the God of the Bible is not Mysogynistic; or, When the Liberal Feminists Send Their Preachers into the Church

David Norczyk
5 min readSep 28, 2022


The liberal, feminists who have turned the church upside down in the past fifty years are unlike those who turned the world upside down in the first century (Acts 17:6). In the first century, those men of God, preachers of the Word of God, saw the Lord add to His church through their labors (Acts 2:47). The church in America, since the 1950’s has both declined in number and increasingly entertained an immoral, antinomian spirit. Why the difference?

In simple terms, the obedience of the church, as the bride of Christ, has a marvelous effect in its members and upon the world around her (all thanks to the Holy Spirit). Cultures do change (with limits) toward godliness, when the church submits to her Lord. One remembers Richard Baxter’s tireless labors to reform the families in his parish, at Kidderminster. Hundreds of families turned to the Lord and a long season of godliness followed.

The church, as a pillar of truth, is not always welcome in cultures of darkness (Jn 1:5; 3:19). The intrusion of light into the darkness is costly for idol makers, be that at Ephesus or Hollywood (Acts 19:23–41). As in any war there are advances and retreats. Spiritually, there are revivals (Acts 2, 10) and famines in the land (Amos 8:11). At times, the church appears strong, pure, beautiful, and godly. At other times, she resembles nothing less than the whore of Babylon (Rev 18). The church must be washed by the water of the Word (Eph 5:26). When this does not happen, frequently, the church becomes filthy.

The spirit of Jezebel plagued the church at Thyatira, and she received a rebuke from the Lord Jesus Himself, “But I have this against you, that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, and she teaches and leads My bond-servants astray, so that they commit immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols. I gave her time to repent, and she does not want to repent of her immorality (Rev 2:20–21).”

Jezebel was a wicked and powerful queen in Old Testament Israel (1 Kgs 21; 2 Kgs 9). She incited her husband, King Ahab, to do evil in the sight of the Lord (1 Kgs 21:25). As you think of Queen Jezebel, remember Genesis 3:16. Her power even spooked the mighty prophet of God, Elijah, leaving him in a self-sequestered pity party. Her namesake, employed by the Lord, nine hundred years later in Asia Minor, is telling. There was a spirit, like that of the wicked queen, troubling the church at Thyatira, and she is back with a vengeance in the American church.

Our God, who created the heavens and earth (Gen 1–2), created man in His image, male and female, He created them (Gen 1:27). In the fall, recorded in Genesis 3, the Lord gave instructions to Adam. Meanwhile, the serpent paid a visit to Eve. The devil is the father of lies (Jn 8:44), and by deceiving the woman, she sinned against God, while under the power of Satan’s temptation.

The promise of judgment, by God, had not yet come to fruition, when Eve approached Adam with forbidden fruit. She became a temptress; and Adam joined his wife, following her lead, in rebellion against God. Noteworthy, is God pinning the fall on Adam (Rom 5:12–21), not Eve. In other words, when men do not perform what God requires of them, they are still responsible, despite dereliction of duty.

What becomes a significant result of the fall, as it pertains to today’s liberal, feminist culture, is the desire of women to occupy the role of men. The biblical, designated role was given to men by God. Part of God’s judgment for women is that men will rule over them (Gen 3:16). This, of course, is an affront to feminists in quest of power in the world and in the church. Wise men do not abuse power at home or in the church (Eph 5:21–33; 1 Pet 5:1–5).

The Apostle Paul wrote to young, Pastor Timothy and gave instruction for proper order in the church (1 Timothy). Included in his God-breathed directives was the prohibition of women preachers and office holders (1 Tim 2:9–15; 3:1–13). The basis for argument was not culture, as the liberals wrongly suggest today, rather, it was the created order (1 Tim 2:13) and the deception of Eve that led to her fall, and consequently, the fall of Adam (1 Tim 2:14).

Does God’s judgment against Eve, and its effect upon women in the world ever since, make God a misogynist? Today’s liberal, feminist, Jezebel prophetess says, “Yes, indeed.” That is, if she is honest. If she is dishonest, she will claim that God empowers women to be preachers and office holders in the church. She will not submit her sinful desire to rule over her husband, or the men of the church, to the biblical teaching on the subject. Ignored or twisted, the Scriptures exercise no power in today’s feminist-led church culture.

The result of the spirit of Jezebel in the American church is decline, leading to the removal of the lamp stand, as was our Lord’s warning to all the churches of Asia (Rev 2–3). We must correct, and if necessary, rebuke the spirit of Jezebel, the woman of deceit who calls herself a prophetess (ie. Joyce Meyer; Beth Moore; Jen Hatmaker; Paula White; Heidi Baker; Sarah Young; Marilyn Hickey; Christine Caine; Juanita Bynum; Patricia King; Jennifer Leclaire; et al.), and who leads the church into the judgment of God.

God is not misogynistic, but there is a role for both genders in the Bible. This is by God’s design, and it incorporates the sins of both Adam and Eve. May the Holy Spirit grant us the grace of repentance, for the sin of egalitarianism, a liberal feminist quest for power in the church that began in the twentieth century and continues unabated, today.

Without repentance, the immoral spirit of church members and office holders will invite God’s continued judgment. The only power strong enough to expel the feminist spirit of Jezebel, from the church, is the spirit of God, employing the Word of God in the war for truth.

May God purify His church from enslavement to the whore of Babylon, the spirit of Jezebel, and every demon raised up, to bring deception into the Israel of God. As Christ loved His bride, and gave Himself for her, may the men of God return to their pulpits, throw down the usurpers (2 Kgs 9:33), and proclaim the truth that will set the churches in America free from this monstrous regiment.

David Norczyk

Spokane Valley, Washington

September 28, 2022



David Norczyk
David Norczyk

Written by David Norczyk

Some random theologian out West somewhere, Christian writer, preacher

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