Why You Have Every Right to be Hopeless
The world is a lie, and the god of this world is a liar (2 Cor 4:4). He has been that from the beginning, and he will be that until the day of consummation.
In a world of lies, there is nothing but false hopes. People are notorious, especially in the United States, to chase an elusive thing called, “a dream.” They often pursue their “dream” at the expense of other people, who are chasing it, too.
The allure for these endless pursuits, of what the Bible calls, “vanity,” are so pervasive, that the race and the chase last an entire lifetime. I once read that in the community of billionaires, funerals have become lavish displays of wealth and power. The irony is stunning; but if you have been deceived by the world’s riches for most, if not all of your life, then it makes sense that you would play that meaningless game to the very end.
King of the mountain is not just a children’s game on a snowy day. The objective is to secure the top spot, and to hold onto it for as long as possible (Think: Bezos, Gates, Buffet, Zuckerberg, et al.). In the world, this is for fame, at the end of one’s futile accomplishments. It is the never-ceasing futility sold to us by Satan, our slave master (Rom 6:6).
As slaves to sin, the devil’s promises never fail to produce false hope. After he teaches sinners how to play his game of relentless bondage, he works to assure addictions for success, or at least the pursuit of success. Statistics are kept, and records are broken. A new generation is, “born to win.” The game never ends, nor does the army of contestants…nor does the futility.
While some contestants pursue their rivalries to the end of their lives, others weary, at their endless failure. Usually, they have nothing left to gamble, or old age has stolen their energy and ambition. Satan has a network of bars and crack houses for those who have quit the pursuit of self-glory. The naked young girl, still chasing her dreams, dances in front of old men, who can only reflect on their former pursuit of their now-relinquished dreams.
Sin is the vibrant economy of this fallen world, and like the leech, the sinner cries, “more, more!” “More success,” bellows the dreamer in lust. “More beer,” laments the one who is driven to cope. Of course, the one who copes is oblivious to his bondage to the addiction, caused by his need to cope. It is merely another pursuit for an elusive happiness. The latter pursuit is often more deadly than the former. Regardless, it is a slow, languishing, even humiliating journey to the end of the game.
Death is the end game. It universally secures the final victory against man. Pride and fame fade quickly, unless a man gained enormous wealth and power, and was particularly evil. This man will live in infamy, in a sort of “extended play.” His name, however, will have become a curse word.
Friend, you have every right be hopeless. In fact, the Bible tells us that you are hopeless (Eph 2:12), and the reason you live without hope is because you are without God in the world.
You have been lied to; and you are living a lie, in a world of lies. There is only one man in the history of the world who told us nothing but the truth (Jn 14:6). You have been lied to about Him, too. My prayer is that you will consider Him this time…while there is yet time for you to redeem.
Jesus Christ was sent from heaven to earth as the Savior of the world (Jn 3:16). He came to save sinners by paying off their debt of sin (Col 2:14) and granting them forgiveness of sins (Eph 1:7; Rev 1:5). It cost Him His life (Jn 10:11, 15), but His heart was filled with love, for those who were lost and hopeless in this world. If that describes you, then turn from life as you know it, life, as you have been living it. Cry out in faith to Him to save you. Ignore your fellow travelers on the wide way that leads to eternal hell. Jesus Christ is your only hope for deliverance from the hell you know too well, and His promise is a new life, an abundant life, and eternal life. Your prayer may be as simple, as, “Lord Jesus, save me!”
David Norczyk
Spokane Valley, Washington
November 5, 2021